The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances

I’m not against what you are saying here but the Military Industrial Complex creates an astromical amount of well paying jobs as well as spending billions on research and development. I’m not saying its value for money but it’s not all wastage either.

My proposal still has us spending vast fortunes on the military. Just not all the money in the world like now. That’s the problem. We spend so much we could create no discernible difference in effectiveness and still fund many other things. We are not getting fair value for the money we spend in the military, as we spend an absurd amount. It is the most any entity spends on anything in the world.


Impeachment 2?

more - Dana Rohrabacher apparently the intermediary

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I’m not going to die on Bill Clinton Hill, but the Rich pardon at least had some nuance. There was some independent justification for the pardon, which Clinton detailed in a Times op-ed: My Reasons for the Pardons

He does sound pretty Trumpian at one point though: :grinning:

The suggestion that I granted the pardons because Mr. Rich’s former wife, Denise, made political contributions and contributed to the Clinton library foundation is utterly false. There was absolutely no quid pro quo.



Spoiler alert:

He will push the technological envelope to the extremes and nobody will stop him. He will break laws and nobody will stop him. He will attempt to rig the election and nobody will stop him. He will solicit foreign interference from around a dozen different countries and nobody will stop him.


He can’t do that!

…can he?


We better win this by a margin so large they can’t really cheat. 2-3% in swing states large.

My God, it’s shocking to see a President write out 1,500 words explaining his potentially controversial actions and doing really crazy things like referring to legal precedent. After I saw your quote I went digging because surely the only things that could follow “There was absolutely no quid pro quo” are “FAKE NEWS!” or “READ THE TRANSCRIPT!” and instead there was this lunacy

Indeed, other friends and financial supporters sought pardons in cases which, after careful consideration based on the information available to me, I determined I could not grant.

Imagine a President being somehow limited in their power, we were such fools 20 years ago.


Illinois does NOT have a former governor in prison now! First since feb 2007!

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I still say the best argument against Trump is just a compilation of his Tweets.

Check out the humor section the next time you’re at a bookstore. A few people are grifting like mad doing nothing but releasing hilarious collections of Trump quotes or tweets.

I say run em both.

Trump must be a Bernie plant.

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Yes, lots actually.
The Trump cultists are approx 40% of actual voters; they are obv locked in. Plus the huge swathe of half-paying-attention dipshits who just saw something on the news.

Kabuki works.

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Rudy did the same, months before the whistleblower became a thing. Loldems forever

/Thread… :point_up_2:

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Lollllllll this is an easily missed burn on how to pronounce Nevada. It’s how people from Nevada instantly know if you’re a tourist.

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