The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances

Well, it’s not up to me at all. She’s 20. But she’ll be here to vote for Bernie almost for sure. November is another school year, so we’ll see. We’re in CA - not in play in November.


Lol Barr says he had already discussed revising the sentence recommendation with staff before Trump tweeted about it.

In fact he thought about “pulling back” after the tweet, you know, to avoid the appearance of impropriety.

So what he’s really complaining about is the president making it more difficult for him to provide the political cover and assistance Trump deserves!


Hope you’re prepared for the inevitable big brains who pop in thinking these are their real accounts and mUsT bE sToPpEd

And when Bernie gets 35% of the vote, but Klob, Pete or Bloomberg get the nom in the second round of voting, they won’t do better than HRC.

And I only look at the Gallup poll and that’s just to be consistent it’s the only poll I looked at. If it’s skewed now it was probably skewed a year ago.

LOL “defies” Trump

On the one hand she did get tear gassed at a yellow vest protest. One the other hand she’s only 2 degrees of separation from someone who was killed fighting the Trump admin…

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Everyone gets tear gassed in Paris. Not really a joke, I’ve been collaterally tear gassed several times (3 in 6 years, I think, only once was I protesting). One time at République metro I couldn’t even find out afterwards what it had been about, even twitter didn’t seem to have anything about it. C’est la vie!




:+1: I was kinda half joking… If T wins its game on bro… I’d be out if I was there.

This is exactly how a child tries to cover for himself when he gets caught doing something wrong. “Oh no, they know we are working together… I know, I’ll tell them I was planning to do it befor I even knew Donald Trump had Twitter!”


Trump has never ever ever reacted positively/well to being called out publicly like that, so you know if he doesn’t react here it’s kabuki theater.


Sorry. I know this mentioned earlier. How do you block someone with a hidden profile?

“worse than Jeff Sessions” one time dealer

Go into your profile/Users/ignore list. You can manually add people there.


@kre8tive, this seems Twitter worthy?

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Barr is so committed to being a piece of shit he will have absolutely zero reaction even if Trump airs him out, in fact he probably prefers it, dude is straight Opus Dei.



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NYT: If Trump receives overwhelming majority of Republican votes, can Bernie truly have a mandate?

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