The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances
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Coincidentally, the same thing world leaders say to him each time they speak.

How can he legit run with that slogan? He’s a part of that swamp now.

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OK, but who cares? Joe Sixpack gives zero fucks about two rich dickheads having a twitter fight.

My oldest daughter manages this place.

It’a also owned by Lois Frankel’s son.


It is amazing how Trump has completely seized control of the GOP in such a short time.

The only silver lining is the party will be in disarray when Trump ever leaves office (if he ever does).

All these republicans have frogged themselves and voluntarily hopped in the pot of water.

Bias does not preclude on from serving on a jury.

People who blocked Trump have been missing an epic shit show lately. Way beyond previous levels.


You have to admit it’s kinda fun to watch him bitch about juror bias a week after he was acquitted by a jury who said they’d acquit him before his trial even started.


What do you think this will look like?

Of course she disclosed during the pretrial that she had run for Congress as a Democrat before and the defense had the opportunity to question her and strike her but chose not to.

Typical nothing to see here but Trump and Fox will make it a big deal as he continues to push that nobody that is dem or not a trump sycophant can be fair towards him.

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This is one of the most legitimately scary tweets this guy has ever done. I’m quite sure it wouldn’t be difficult at all to identify who the jury foreperson was in that case. That’s beyond scary, and this site is so numb to this kind of stuff that it just skated right on by with no notice of the potential ramifications of it.

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We noticed it.


Not sure and not sure how long it will last. The GOP tends to get shock and awed into different situations. The Tea Party preceded the Trump party.

It might be wishful thinking on my part, but I would expect some discord and lack of cohesiveness as the next generation takes shape. Of course trump not leaving office is still in serious play, so I might be dreaming.

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You’re last sentence is just not true…

[quote=“nunnehi, post:7989, topic:699”]and this site is so numb to this kind of stuff that it just skated right on by with no notice of the potential ramifications of it.
Any suggestions are welcome.

I honestly think if the eDems stop with the BS candidates they have a legit chance to sweep up some disgruntled GOPers, the poor ones though not the rich, as they will never vote for the Dem.

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Glad you said something, as opposed to just letting it pass by with no words written.

Right now, they’re testing the water to see what we’ll accept. If we tell them ‘the GOP won’t do anything, so I’m not going to do anything’ or if we say, ‘nothing can happen’, nothing will. If we just let it pass by without comment, then that is the comment of what we accept. Noticing it’s effed up in your head isn’t enough. Something needs to be said.

That’s why they’re doing what they’re doing, and there’s been no pushback on the people who matter…the GOP. This is why we’re in grave danger. People who say nothing or say it can’t be stopped are telling those in power exactly what they want to hear. It’s profoundly disturbing to me.

Smacc, my suggestion is for anyone who has a problem about any of the recent stuff going on is to contact their Representative and/or Senator, especially if the Congressperson is a member of the GOP. Level of meanness can vary by taste and flavor of said Congresspeople.

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