The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances

If you’re suggesting people eat their congressmembers, you’re finally on to something.


Sure calling Senators did absolutely nothing to stop Kavanaugh from being confirmed or Trump from being acquitted of a crime he bragged about committing during the trial but now they’ll suddenly care about people calling them and telling them to rein in Trump.


Yep, that’s exactly how they want you to react. Right in the authoritarian’s playbook.

Do you have e-petitions in the US? Because getting mass signatures might be a better way to spend your time and energy than badgering people on a tiny internet forum, which could also be accused of playing right into the hands of the authoritarians.

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A few posters have been doing this, some have not posted for a while that they have though, and some may have missed the posts… Granted more should be but as is the state of play nowadays unless your in a secure place I wouldn’t feel safe for them doing so.

Yup it’s that bad, T will attack anyone now Nunnehi, make sure your well insulated to personal attacks before setting out into the open.

Republican Senators are on Team Authoritarian and no amount of whiny liberals calling them is going to change that. Trump is their useful idiot giving them whatever they want as long as they kiss his ass once in a while and ignore whatever dumb shit he tweets. They’re busy putting on a bullshit puppet show where they pretend to do things like pass a bill they know will be vetoed and the media rewards them with headlines like “Senate paves way to limit Trump’s war powers after killing Cotton amendment”.

If you want to call the SS and ask them to turn on Hitler be my guest but our last hope is that we’ll have one more fair(ish) election to remove the orange stain or WAAF.



Trump going for all the lols, gotta give him that.


Trump is a horrible piece of shit but he knows what the right in this country really is. Dumb and easy to manipulate. He has consumed enough right wing media to realize this and basically just imitate people like Hannity and Rush as an actual politican.

Of course these people love it. They have probably wanted Rush to run for 30 years. Trump is fulfilling that desire.


Number of times calling your congresscritter mattered in the Trump era: 0

It’s election or bust man. It’s cute you think that will matter but it just wont, especially not in 2020.

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We’re somewhat numb, but mostly we all went through the state you’re currently going through a while ago. The looking around like “Really??? REALLY??? This is okay now???” phase. The outrage, the anger, the helpless feeling…

Bottom line: 40% of the country loves this, about 30-40% dislike it but think this is America and we’ll be totally fine cause it’ll be a fair election and he’ll lose and about 20% of us are feeling this way and seeing it for what it is…

The only actual ways to stop it are through the election, which we hope is slightly fair, or through mass protest which simply isn’t going to happen. For most of us, the healthiest path forward is to try to maintain sanity and then do everything we can for the election.


No way? I go there a bunch.

Small world.

Not going to dox her, but you probably know my daughter or at least been served by her.

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I can remove that post if you wish @kre8tive as it’s to much info?

I’m not posting her name, so it doesn’t matter.

She’s one of many managers.

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Some AsG refuse to be puppets :+1:

Pretty good self-own by Trump there. A shame it will fall deaf on Trumpers who think the President absolutely should use the AG as a puppet.

“That said, you have to be careful about what you are watching and reading, because the media has taken sides,” he continued. “So if you only watch Fox News because it’s reinforcing what you believe, you are not an informed citizen."

Trump, of course, watches Fox News almost exclusively and for precisely the reason Kelly suggests: It reinforces what he believes.

Never forget research shows that people who watch Fox News are less informed than people who don’t watch any news at all


Also never forget: fuuuuuuuuuuck John Kelly.


Yah the article author cast a little shade like that

(This, like his comments about immigrants, is somewhat at odds with his demonstrated behavior in the White House, but we can move past that for now.)