The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances

Hilariously, there are metal detectors at CPAC.

That would take a constitutional amendment right? Or could congress just pass a law?


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Just pardon him now and save us the trouble. Absolutely nobody, like literally not any person anywhere, has any illusion what’s going on here.

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The GOP convention will have them too. The entire government and party apparatus is one giant gun-free zone.

„The road to Unfreedom“ by Timothy Snyder is also „good“ concerning similar issues.

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How is this real life.

We all want that you pos. Especially you and your cronies

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Speaking as a short person who hates Trump, the mini Mike shots are pretty hilarious.


Surprised Trump’s head didn’t explode after typing just this part.


Waiting for a Bloomberg ad. “I may be 5’4, but my hands are still bigger than yours, my fortune is still 30 times bigger than yours, and my… well, let’s just say I’ve never had to pay for sex.”

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Should say his fortune is 30,000 times bigger. Might be low. And if Trump claims to be richer Bloomberg can just say ‘prove it lolol’.

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Hope Hicks to Return to the White House After a Nearly Two-Year Absence

Hope Hicks, a close aide to President Trump who resigned nearly two years ago, will return to the White House in a new role, administration officials said Thursday.

Ms. Hicks, 31, worked on Mr. Trump’s 2016 campaign from its inception and followed him to the White House after he was elected, eventually becoming communications director. Her return will come as his re-election campaign intensifies and as his advisers say the superstitious president has talked about recreating some aspects of that first race.

Donnie’s bringing back his good luck mistress.

Remember when the Lawbros were telling us she was is really bad shape? LOLOLOL, fuck yes we’re bringing her back after committing obvious felonies, and fuck you, that’s why!

Also note that her wife beating scumbag boyfriend was allowed to politely resign on his own terms while Purple Heart recipient Vindman was escorted out of the building.

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