The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances

I think she’s a cohost on his paid tier podcast or something

Probably nice, but I am not equipped to fish, and with little girl responsibilities, it is unlikely to happen

LOL I remembered this 22 thread from 6(!) years ago and you’re the one who started it!

Convince DVaut1 to start a blog ITT

Narrator: DVaut1 did not start a blog.

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2014: DVaut1 declines sweet deal to change the media landscape forever
2016: Florida Man wins election



Thanks awval DVaut1.


Believe Preet has house impeachment lawyer Goldman on tomorrow or soon.

Regardless of other stuff with him he has good interviews. 1st Female NYC firefighter was one of the best interviews of anyone I’ve ever heard.

If Nancy Pelosi were Newt Gingrich the House would subpoena Barr and arrest him if he didn’t show up. I think she’s done a commendable job overall, but she’s still playing by the old rules.

Separated at birth?



I go to West Palm for a week each year for work, due in a few months. Ship the recs.

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Eric Holder ignored a House subpoena and was held in contempt, but was not arrested. Hillary also remains free.

I suppose if he wants to come as a non-conservative and debate an issue with us, maybe in the future we would have him come.

I’m dying LOL. Mitt was literally the Republican nominee for President only two short elections ago, and already he’s been cast aside as a non-conservative (!!!).


You have made me so hype for the latest Preet podcast. Will listen tomorrow at the gym.

My dad was pissed when McCain was the nominee. Not a true conservative according to him. :neutral_face:

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Wait just a minute.

I was told the GOP doesn’t gatekeep and party unity is why they beat us.

Oh wait, those people are morons.

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Why don’t you take a long walk off of a short bridge?

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More unity. Preach Queen.

You’re feeding the troll.

That’s why i have proposed in the past electing the attorney general separately to block the idea of a unitary executive.