The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances

Even if they don’t do anything it just continues to hammer home that the media is liberal, biased, etc, which is basically accepted fact now in America. In most rooms, you’d get laughed out of the room for suggesting otherwise.

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52-53 Senators respond, “LOL fuck you!”


Attorney General Bill Barr: LOL fuck you.

Great minds, etc.


My pony told your pony “LOL fuck you!”


I think the media is on solid ground to say they are not going to cut away from a close game in the fourth quarter to show you a blowout instead. Also in 2016, CNN and MSNBC both aired wall to wall Trump speeches far more often than Hillary speeches. There’s not much doubt of this is there? I knew Trump would whine about a lack of coverage. If he wants real coverage, he needs a real challenger. Is it too late for Mitt to throw his hat in the ring?
( twitter | raw text )
( twitter | raw text )

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A blistering opinion! We got him boys!


“We have never before encountered defiance of a remand order, and we hope never to see it again,” Easterbrook wrote. “Members of the Board must count themselves lucky that Baez-Sanchez has not asked us to hold them in contempt, with all the consequences that possibility entails.”

I’m sure they’re shitting their pants.

This judge is a conservative hero, by the way. The absolute most respectable person they can put forward. He and Richard “there should be a market for babies” Posner are the intellectual “titans” of the conservative legal movement.

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Also, perhaps Sinplicticus can correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe the court has the authority to impose sanctions on its own.

Also, the question of who to punish is dumb. Punish anyone willing to carry out this bullshit.

Like, I’m pretty sure I posted about this long ago, but once the courts impose fines, they can attach liens on your property among other things. The President can’t do anything about that. Courts should be doing this to Trump’s lackeys whenever they have the opportunity.

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Court’s have pretty broad discretion to fashion sanctions and remedies related to cases they are hearing. They probably couldn’t find Barr directly in contempt, especially on appeal, but a district court judge could “trap” him in contempt with a set of orders he is not likely to obey. (Eg, a party seeks to depose him, the govt opposes, the judge orders deposition covering broad areas, Barr refuses to testify, court orders sanctions.) Personal monetary sanctions would likely be a very high bar, but a court could order them. However, it’d go to the SCt and Barr would argue he was acting in his official capacity and the SCt would let him get away with it.

Really, Congress should start impeachment proceedings against Barr ASAP. It should be their main priority atm.


I say do it all. The more Barr is on the defensive, the less opportunity he has to do horrible shit.

I agree, but we all know it’s just going to lead to a 52-48 vote of “LOL fuck you,” in the Senate.

That said, it’ll help the Democrats preemptively discredit the inevitable DOJ investigation of their nominee.

Narrator: none of those avenues were pursued and Bill Barr faced absolutely no resistance to running the DOJ as a political apparatus of the White House.


When he originally came on did anyone have Bill Barr as orders of magnitudes worse than JEFF SESSIONS and instrumental in the destruction of any democracy still left in our government? I didn’t.

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