The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances

I’m pretty sure if we roll tape the audience will see I was not alone in arguing his very impressive credentials and fancy degrees and desire to be well respected in conservative legal circles would mean jack shit in preventing him from being a complete piece of garbage willing and eager to wipe his ass with the constitution.


IIRC the media was like “oh good finally a grownup in the room”.

Yes… It was well documented that BB would be a Trump Dog only and Infact were lucky atm not to have house members in jail.

When BB was confirmed, many unstuckers came out and said the Dems must be complicit, and I don’t disagree.

Impeach BB LMAO.

The only reason that these principled conservative judges are speaking out is to stop the socialist if/when he arrives.

True but still finger-wags don’t count as precedent

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Precedent only matters if you’re poor or a Democrat.

Lets see what kind of BS non-responses he gives. Maybe he’ll just put up a poster (ala Gym) that says ”52-48, go suck an egg”

The testimony doesn’t really mean anything when there isn’t even a hypothetical penalty for lying or confessing.

“AG Barr, did you order the code red?”


“Thank you for your testimony. Enjoy this fine day.”


And it’s “on or before March 31”. Should be tomorrow.


I remember his involvement in the Iran-Contra cover up

Kamala Harris 2.0 incoming

Gotta say though, the House Judiciary Committee includes Eric Swalwell and Ted Lieu. I’m excited for those two to take some shats.

Yes, I feel like most of us did.

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In the late 80s there was a T-Shirt that had “Meese is a Pig” on the front and a long list of reasons why on the back. IIRC it caused a big fight between my father and my older brother who was home from college.

Obviously needs a “Barr is a Pig” update imo. That would at least trigger some deplorables.

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