The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances
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I read the NYT for the first time in a while today, it was their hopeful coronation of last night’s third place finisher. Now I wouldn’t call them the enemy of the people, but it’s pretty clear they’re serving their own interests. Which, duh.

Adam DiSabato, a former captain of the OSU wrestling team during the late 80s and early 90s, told members of the House Civil Justice Committee that Jordan and other team officials knew about open-shower team facilities that facilitated sexual harassment and abuse of team wrestlers​, an allegation Jordan has denied.

He also said Jordan called him repeatedly in July 2018, after media outlets quoted his brother, Michael DiSabato, saying Strauss’ abuse was common knowledge to those surrounding the wrestling program, including Jordan.

“Jim Jordan called me crying, groveling… begging me to go against my brother…That’s the kind of cover-up that’s going on there,” he said.

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I think he uses boot-edge-edge as a guide to keep people from saying booty-judge. (Which is what I use.)

Meanwhile, over in Tennessee

Maybe? He proclaimed he was suffering unduly in solitary, but then we found out he was allowed out all the time into a separate room to convene with lawyers. He was given an extension cord so he could take his laptop around with him to both rooms. He was forbidden from sending emails, but to get around that, he would compose his emails in lawbro meetings and have them send the emails for him.

Sounds terrible!

Is the whole article based on something a cab driver told him?


Don’t know. Ain’t nobody got time for that.

This is the top story on and I’m not sure what it’s supposed to show, other than that supporters of previous incumbents were smart enough to know there was really no point in bothering to vote for them in the New Hampshire primary.

Also, I haven’t seen this before, a LOL Fox Business story about the four big companies that are fueling the market’s rise refers to them as…

(Microsoft, Apple, Google, Amazon)


A year from now, a similar story will be about Walmart, Apple, Amazon, and Facebook.


I had an involuntary head whiplash reaction to this. Who can I sue?

This makes my blood boil, because it’s such good strategy. Attacking the media is so +EV right now in American politics in the short-term, but tearing down their credibility is so bad for us because it’s what gets us into this exact situation.

There’s undoubtedly been some discussion at CNN and MSNBC about whether they should just give his non-newsworthy primary wins a little coverage so that he stops attacking their credibility. He’s literally a mob boss with these tweets. “Damn, you’ve lost a lot of credibility these last few years… it’d be a shame if you lost a little more!”

The media is full of gutless good for nothing cowards. Last night on the supposedly left wing news network I got to watch a Bush aide who worked for Sarah Palin (Nicole Wallace) discuss the nights events with a career GOP operative (Steve Schmidt) and one of the biggest failures in recent Democratic history (Claire McCaskill, who went all in on reasonable centrism and got curb stomped out of office). Shocker: they think Bernie is too liberal! The bullying works because they are absolutely not fit for this moment.


Meh. Did Barack Obama’s primary wins get a lot of coverage in 2012?

No but that’s because Obama wasn’t smart enough to whine about the media not covering his meaningless victories on Twitter.

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Nor does he plan to see any evidence, ever, under any circumstances. GOP 2020: No evidence, no witnesses.

Yeah, working the refs is pretty effective, it appears.

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