The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances

Of course they remember. It was a huge deal compared to Trump’s action, which he is totally entitled to do. I mean Bill Clinton wasn’t even president at the time!

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It’s going to be oddly interesting to watch this play out and see how he copes.
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How long until Trump and Barr actually start “locking them up”?

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Cuttin run
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I mean this is a good thing on one hand. On the other hand its probably a super shit deal and its going to be massively popular for Trump which is obviously a really bad thing.

Who is the swamp creature he is referring to?

I wish Democrats could summon the righteous indignation over shit like this that is actually scandalous and a big deal just like Republicans routinely do over inconsequential, made-up shit like Bill Clinton saying Hi to Loretta Lynch on a runway.

Remember all those obnoxious people on Twitter who made a big show of proclaiming “THIS IS NOT NORMAL!” over things like Trump lying about crowd sizes? This is the time for that kind of behavior.

Agreed. He wipes his ass with the Iran nuclear deal —> “getting tough on Iran, no negotiations with terrorists, TEH TROOPS” etc. Now he’s literally negotiating with terrorists —> “bring home TEH TROOPS oh how he loves them so.”

It’s more blatant hypocrisy on display, and it’s getting to the point that people don’t even bother calling it out anymore.

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If the democrats really manage to win the Presidency I want them to go hard after Trump. Wipe out his name, his legacy and so on. I dont want him to just go home and have a nice rest of his life.
But well since its established that the President has the right to do everything if its in the best interest of the country who knows what will happen in November.


Here comes the #NeverTrumper

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The WaPo op/ed page is a murderers row of concern trolling fuckwads today. Right on schedule we have “boy it sure would be bad for Democrats if they nominated Bernie Sanders” jaq off pieces from:

Megan McArdle
EJ Dionne
Jennifer Rubin

Lololololol legacy media pieces of shit who speak authoritatively after being wrong about everything. Speaking of which, NYT has a Tom Friedman “Dems need to embrace Bloomberg” piece today.


Shocking revelation

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I posted that to the wrong thread but who cares

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Think it’s too harsh to characterize Sanders as an extremist? Granted, he is more like Cruz than Trump. Ideologically motivated, Sanders sells fiction, and not in the way all candidates sometimes overpromise. He pledges to drastically reshape the federal government, doubling its size, and uses cocktail-napkin math to claim to pay for it. Sanders’s program would cost some $60 trillion to $97 trillion over 10 years — expert estimates vary but none of them bring this plan into the realm of the practical. His wealth tax, one of his major tools to finance this expansion, would raise far less than he estimates — between $1 trillion and $1.5 trillion less over 10 years, according to a University of Pennsylvania analysis.

It would be one thing if it were just going to be really expensive to address the country’s problems. In fact, Sanders does not have to spend nearly as much or impose nearly as many federal mandates to achieve the goals he — and virtually all Democrats — desire, such as generous universal health care, affordable college and an aggressive climate program.

He’s an economic extremist!

(not mentioned: how spending less accomplishes the same)

Dunno what kind of deal the United States is supposed to get in Afghanistan. That this is a gift for Trump is on Obama.

(Cue the neocons, er moderate centrists)

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Was Manafort ever in solitary or is the dotard just whining about the sweet cell Manafort had with the little office and shit?