The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances

Only 9? I thought we add up to 10.
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Hope she sees this bro

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Where does the 9% come from?

I also assume he’s using Rasmussen for his approval ratings. Or is he just making up those numbers?

I don’t think the imbeciles buy them. PACs buy them.

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One tactic I wish the Dems would steal from Trump is his relentless drumbeat pushing his narrative at every chance. The whol Schiff lies about the transcript was stupid and ridiculous at first given the context, but Trump kept at it and now he’s at the point where Schiff made up the whole thing, and it’s accepted by way more people than should accept it, ie many people outside the Trump cult give credence to it. It’s just like the “Impeachment hoax” narrative, it’s completely false, but Trump ya made it a thing, almost singlehandedly, though a constant fire hose approach.

Dems could and should do the same thing with Trump and his enablers. Every opportunity they get they should be pushing the narrative that Trump is corrupt, he’s selling out the Country the country and the Republicans are helping. You can easily tag that onto any conversation about the economy or the environment or whatever, but you have to commit to it. Few Dem politicians commit to any narrative like that, except Bernie regarding socialism, and it has worked for him!


Call him admitted rapist donald trump any time his name comes up.

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After much deliberation, I’m ignoring Florida Man. I won’t be much help to the resistance if I off myself in a fit of rage.


Hmmm…could we add Admitted Rapist to the Florida Man feature? I would upgrade for sure. Admitted Rapist Jr has a nice ring to it and seeing Admitted Rapistian or Never Admitted Rapister would never get old.

AZ national monument, home to Native American burial sites, is being blown up for border wall

Grijalva sent a letter to Homeland Security on January 7, expressing his “serious concerns” over the wall’s construction on historically tribal land. He urged the department to consult the nation “government-to-government,” before moving forward with construction.

He has not heard back.

As soon as he is declared the winner things will be kicked into overdrive.

All the airports could be closed by Friday morning.

Y’all Qaeda is just trying to keep pace with ISIS.


Admitted rapist is one thing, it’s a good personal dig, but that doesn’t at all alter the narrative that Trump is doing good things for the country. He isn’t, he’s doing bad things, so I think it would be better from a political standpoint to include some dig about his corruption and self-dealing.

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The problem is not everyone has that car salesman ability to just lie without concern.

That being said all politicians do.

Another reason Bernie is the best candidate to face Trump. Nobody else in the Dem field can credibly attack him on corruption.

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I think you are missing the point, it doesn’t matter whether the messenger is credible or not, if he or she sufficiently commits to the narrative. Trump is not credible, nor are any of the Republicans. Trump’s narrative isn’t even credible, it’s demonstrably false! The Dems actually have a credible narrative, regardless of whether or not they are individually corrupt. So they just need to keep hammering it. Trump and the Republicans promised to fix health care, but they would rather sell out the country to help their oligarch/authoritarian/whatever buddies than help you pay for your insulin.


I think I remember him claiming his approval numbers are suppressed by 9% because huppidty duppidty durr, giving him the right to boost them by that amount.

This is true. Pelosi and Schumer could tweet daily that Trump is a lying two-bit conman and it wouldn’t get much coverage. It’s dog bites man, we all know. Man bites dog, though? That’s a story.

So when Trump says outrageous stuff it gets tons of coverage and eventually it gets people to believe it.