The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances

RIP to one of the most legendary twitter accounts of all time.

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Not in fy 2021. How comforting.


I quoted your post so Id like to know how I misinterpreted it as nationalistic.

I mean, I can see how maybe you meant it was a myth that only America could survive fascism, I guess. But the previous part about exceptional people seems unequivocal and wouldn’t be surprising if it came from the lips of Trump.

The exceptional people JT’s talking about are the immigrants who came to the US in the late 1800s-early 1900s and were treated like shit by the Americans already here.

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Well yes. You know every nation tells itself “It couldn’t happen here” … until one day it does.


This is not true. We do not have free and fair elections here. One party has rigged everything by flagrantly violating laws and norms for at least 40 years. It was a slow but consistent encroachment but very few people were paying attention. The people in charge of stopping it were too busy cashing in on the sweet corporate donor gravy train. Maybe best illustrated by a chess match:

White: Knight to C7.
Black: That is not a legal move.
White: Check.
Black: No, you can’t do that. I’m calling the tournament official.

Official: What is the problem?
Black: He moved knight B1 to C7. That is an illegal move.
Official: You do not have standing to challenge the legality of a chess move.
Black: What? Wait, aren’t you his dad? I’m filing a protest.

[Chess federation (appointed by white) hears the protest.]

Federation: In a 5-4 ruling, we have determined under a strict textual reading of the Official Rules of Chess that, although the legality of knight B1 to C7 is not determinable, its illegality is therefore also not determinable. The rule, as written,

3-6. The knight may move to one of the squares nearest to that on which it stands but not on the same rank, file or diagonal.

is vague, failing to specify if the board coordinates are wrapping or terminating at the edges. Therefore, the move stands.

Black: Then I win. Implied checkmate by king E8 on opening move.
White: Illegal. You are in check.
Black: Oh, right.

NYT: White Wins Another Improbable Victory Amidst Rules Dispute
Black stans: WAAF
White stans: Kill all the blacks.
Everyone else: Chess is broken and corrupt. I read on Facebook that Hunter Biden was getting paid to play chess in Ukraine.


Nice, though black should probably just take the knight with his queen and thank white for cheating.

A queen can’t make the first move for a side in chess. Everyone knows that.


Though the legality is not determinable, its illegality is therefore also not determinable.Therefore, the move stands.

That ruling is narrow in scope and applies only to the specific case of edge continuity. Queen making the first move for a side is established and also not germane. Etc.

There’s gold in this thread.


Well that’s bad news

The dems should all arrive at the convention in a clown car and pile out.

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In normal times we might ask why anyone would expect a vote to be influenced by rolling out the red carpet for a funeral.

But in these times it can openly be flaunted.


You’ve clearly never conducted a selfie line.

Trump is crushing everything at the minute. This is so unsettling.

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