The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances

Snopes is dumb then. As I noted previously that is not a normal gesture for one to do so you don’t do it subconsciously. It was deliberate and for snopes not to verify he did it is absurd as he clearly did it.

There argument that they can not read his mind is dumb.

See if brown immigrants just dust around their hairline with powder they can beat any ban and foil DHS/ICE.

Msdnc is funny. WAAF

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We know official records are important - hence having a National Archive …

We knew about

President Trump has long made it a practice to tear up his papers and throw them away. It is a clear violation of the Presidential Records Act, which is supposed to prevent another Watergate-style cover-up. Workers in the White House records management office who used to tape these records together say they were fired without explanation.

But that’s just a sideshow

In 2017, a normally routine document released by the archives, a records retention schedule, revealed that archivists had agreed that officials from Immigration and Customs Enforcement could delete or destroy documents detailing the sexual abuse and death of undocumented immigrants. Tens of thousands of people posted critical comments, and dozens of senators and representatives objected. The National Archives made some changes to the plan, but last month it announced that ICE could go ahead and start destroying records from Mr. Trump’s first year, including detainees’ complaints about civil rights violations and shoddy medical care.

It’s not just ICE. The Department of the Interior and the National Archives have decided to delete files on endangered species, offshore drilling inspections and the safety of drinking water. The department even claimed that papers from a case where it mismanaged Native American land and assets — resulting in a multibillion-dollar legal settlement — would be of no interest to future historians (or anyone else).


We’re a nation of dumbfucks.


Seriously, it’s because the leaders of the country have failed us forever. Besides all the racism trump brought in, cleaning the swamp appealed to a lot of people where congress has had teen approval ratings forever.

It has long been grumbled by many that we needed an outsider, a businessman to run this country. Unfortunately people were too clueless to realize this guy was not qualified for that or anything else.

It still puzzles and confuses me. What is worse is I put him as likely to get re elected at this point, which is 100x more insane.

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There’s one very obvious answer to that, that I’m too polite to state. :grinning:

EDIT. My ponys also a dumbfuck

Because of your president



There was a piece about Auschwitz on Nightline after the debate last night. Reminded me a lot of our southern border with child separation and holding people in inhumane conditions. Super depressing that we’re part of the way down that road again.

Sure he can, but he’d have to rely on the courts and inevitably SCOTUS to enforce the ruling.

“Congressman, because this is America… and here, right matters.”
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lol her dad died and trump thinks her tears were flowing out of gratitude for what he did


Yeah man. Like America was the only time oppressed or disaffected people left their homelands voluntarily to start new lives in new countries, and like they all did it by subjugating the indigenous people they found.

American exceptionalism my arse. There’s nothing exceptional about being far better equipped than the natives, as the Spanish discovered earlier.

As for being self-selecting exceptional people and the only people who could survive fascism. LOLOLOL

I know this is the sort of nationalistic bs they teach American kids in school, but you don’t really believe all this do you?

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didn’t he imply john dingel is in hell at a rally a month ago?


Credit to my high school US History teacher who made us read People’s History of the United States and basically tipped us off that the “real” textbook was bullshit. Mr. Joyce, if you’re reading, good job!

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