The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances

Face it now, the impeachment worked out about as badly as it reasonably could have, with only one GOP senator in favour who is being painted as a sore loser. Trumps going to be re-elected whoever he’s up against.


It is super tilting that Trumps approval rating is at an all time high, Bernie still gonna beat him though.

I think we’re drawing more live to him cancelling the election outright under the pretense of “massive voter fraud” or “foreign election interference” than him actually winning in November.


Imagine in November, 2016, you were told all we know now. Be honest, what odds would you put on Trump still being President? Basically any outcome is live.

It still occurs to me at random times “Donald Trump is President of the United States of America” and I shake my head in wonder.


having no shame is trump’s superpower. any president in history would resign 20 times with the revelations that have come out about donnie diapers. that and riling up the dumbest gun-totinest segment of america into a fervor in support of all the dumb shit he says. republicans spent decades priming their base with bullshit and trump came in and exploited the fuck out of it and is now holding those republicans hostage lol i hope he loses a wave election in 2020 and crushes the republican party forever in the aftermath obv


Also Trump:^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1186115176908517376&


no president would ever appoint a partisan hack as attorney general, so this should work out fine

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Jesus f****** Christ. I hadn’t been following this for a little bit and now he’s up at the highest ever. Fuc. God damn Democrats! Stupid f****** obsession with lawbros and impeachment, meanwhile they give him huge legislative victories on awful awful things.



He’s “the president” in the same way that those dudes who print fake medical degrees and kill people performing silicone ass implants are “doctors.”


I mean it fucking sucks big time, but they kinda had to impeach right? What else could they have done.

It’s clear highlighting his corruption doesn’t matter. I don’t think the plan to impeach him again will play out well. They just need to move on and focus on healthcare and wages etc.
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I don’t know. I wish I had a handle on why they didn’t impeach on emoluments. Obviously impeachment is merited based on phone calls and political chicanery and spying on opponents, but it’s that they don’t get him for things that are wrong outside of the world of electoral politics that makes the whole thing look like it’s mainly political. Impeach him on family separation. Laws don’t have to be broken. He can be impeached for being a monster. Anyway, I don’t think the impeachment as is was ever going to hurt him politically and no one with any brain could have possibly thought he’d be removed.

Yeah, I’d have had him impeached on family separation and let the trial be a show of the horrors at the border. Let’s get the parents of murdered children on the stand. At least let the Trumpkins see what they’re voting for. Hardly anyone in the US was ever going to give a shit about the phone call, military aid to Ukraine, Cambridge Analytics or any of that.


Remember when someone told Trump Lincoln was a Republican and he went to a presser and said “lots of people don’t know Lincoln was a Republican” and we all said OMG what a moron?

I long for those times of innocence

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