The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances

I remember a few legitimate cracks in his armor, but not sure if you consider his longtime pastor scandal and the like to be the same kind of blemish?

Oh Boy

I’m not exactly sure what you’re going for here, but there was no “longtime pastor scandal.”

Nobody tell Trump Biden is nuking himself without any help from Putin



You came up with this? Nice.

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How would you describe the story surrounding him and Jeremiah Wright? I’ll claim ignorance here as I was too much an unwitting participant in propaganda to trust my memory on this one.

Don’t want to speak for him, but I think he means Wright had purportedly been his pastor for a long time, not that it was a scandal that lasted for a long time.

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Jeremiah Wright was the pastor of a church to which Obama was a regular attendee. Wright and Obama knee each other reasonably well. At some point in Wright’s time as a pastor he said the phrase “God damn America!” The right wing freaked out, Obama distances himself from Wright. 8 years later the same people that freaked out over Wright have crowned a man as God-king who has cheated on multiple wives, been married multiple times and is on tape bragging about sexually assaulting/raping women. God-damn America, indeed.


It’ll be 2016 all over again.

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The article is a year old but here is the relevant bit:

Her view, in short, as she described it to one committee member: “Let’s be reasonable, let’s not, you know, throw the kitchen sink at this because he’s probably not going to be elected, and so then we don’t have quite as horrific a national security threat than if we do if he gets elected.”

Strzok disagreed.

“Maybe we do [have time],” he explained, “but if candidate Trump is elected, we have months, and we may find ourselves in a position where we have these allegations potentially about people who are being nominated for senior national security roles, and then we’re in a really bad spot because we don’t know whether these allegations are true or false; we don’t know the extent of these allegations and the truth and how extensive or not. So my advocacy was we need to pursue these cases in a way that will allow us to be responsible and protecting the national security of the United States.”

And that’s where his analogy came in.

“And so — and the point — and the point, the analogy I am drawing is, you know, you’re unlikely to die before you’re 40, but nevertheless, many people buy life insurance,” he explained. “The similarity is that, regardless of what the polls are saying, that Secretary Clinton is the favorite to win, however likely or not it is who’s going to win, just like life insurance, you have to take into account any potential possibility. And it was simply — it was simply: You need to do your job based on something, regardless of whether it’s highly likely or not?”

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TY. I am reading the wikipedia entry. It is always a delight to revisit something with a fresh perspective.

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I watched it so fast he sounded like he was in Alvin and the chipmunks. I’m still genuinely surprised he went more than 30 seconds without telling a lie the entire thing. I guess when his sycophants were applauding his lips weren’t moving?
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Anything that resembles fact or reality is a major threat to the right so of course they hate Jeremiah Wright. Plus he is black.
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I would appreciate your description and commentary on this topic. Happy to switch to another thread or PM if this is too much of a tangent for Florida Man’s thread.

Basically from memory he gave sermons calling America out I believe mostly for racial inequality. He was speaking the truth and so of course the right wingers hated it and used it as a way to paint Obama as anti-American. Angry black men have always been super threatening to right wingers. It’s why all the (well all four of them) black men in the Republican party are like Ben Carson.

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TY. I was transitioning away from Fox News during that decade. I’m still picking up pieces and discovering holy shit, this thing I accepted as fact without even realizing it HAS BEEN COMPLETE BULLSHIT ALL ALONG?! :zipper_mouth_face: