The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances

After calling Comey “scum”, he wonders why anyone would think he’s a bad person.

More like “shanksham…zzstzststztzzz…look, look”

( twitter | raw text )

What? You are conflating two totally unrelated things.

That will teach them !

I just watched his speech. Impeach this motherfucker over and over.

I couldnt get through more than 10 minutes, was one of his cringiest speeches of his term I think.

I’ve made this analogy before but more specifically: Gus Hansen on early WPT.

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Coming to anti-tRUmp bloggers in America soon


Gotta admire Parscale’s game. Grifting the all time grifter king is pretty amazing

The other guy pointed that out, I’m now going to crawl back into my hole.

An Iron81 sighting!

Sung in the style of “Lump” or “Gump”

Trump sat alone in a swampy swamp
“Totally exonerated!” he’d casually remark
Suppressing all the witnesses that say otherwise
Thankfully GOP senators said, “Even if true, it’s fine”

He’s Trump, he’s Trump,
What’s in his head?
He’s Trump, he’s Trump, he’s Trump
What’s with that hair?

Trump was a big celebrity
He told the Russians, “Right there if you need to pee”
He never feels too dumb because
Putin loves big brain if Trumpy does as Putin wants

He’s Trump, he’s Trump
Were we misled?
He’s Trump, he’s Trump, he’s Trump
I’m kinda scared

His buddy Barr was a deal-lovin’ man
Everyone who disagreed was called a Never Friend
Even the most recent GOP nominee
Everyone pretended they hadn’t voted Romney

He’s Trump, he’s Trump
He’s not too bright
He’s Trump, he’s Trump, he’s Trump
So still we fight

Is this Drumpf really brain dead?
I think so
Can this guy even spell exonerated?
I doubt it
If we lose 2020,
Time to join team WAAF
And that’s all I have to say about that


This is not interesting. The most important rule in money is easy come easy go. The tighter the margins are in a business the tighter a ship you have to run. Grifting and Grafting has practically unlimited margins. It’s like many criminal activities in this. As a result grifters are usually incredibly weak operators who are themselves incredibly easy to grift.

Nobody with access to easy money isn’t leaking cash everywhere. Show me a successful criminal and I’ll show you someone to whom the word budget is totally foreign who overpays for everything while buying several hundred percent more than they need.

There are plenty of people who have made money off trump over the years by outright stealing from him I’m quite sure. It’s the only way to deal with someone like that profitably.

“It’s a very ugly word to me, a very dark word,” Mr. Trump said of impeachment. “They brought me to the final stages to impeachment, but now we have that gorgeous word — I never thought a word would sound so good — it’s called total acquittal. Total acquittal.”
( twitter | raw text )

Anyone with WaPo subscriptions, help?

So yeah… if anyone thinks it’s a good idea to run a senile out of touch old white dude who lies constantly into this wood chipper as our nominee… I have very little respect for their ideas about winning elections.

It doesn’t matter if it’s true or not. If we run Biden we’ll be playing defense on corruption for the entire general. If we run almost any of the other candidates we’ll be on the offensive about it. Obviously Bernie/Warren/Yang are the best there. Ideally our candidate shouldn’t have much more than a blemish on them.

One of the best things about Obama was that he was clean. At least before he left office lol.