The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances

lol this dumbass speech or whatever it is

I can promise you that if I decided I was going to poison someone, I’d have a wide variety of choices and a success rate of 100%.

I’m not claiming I’d get away with it, but I’m not so incompetent that I couldn’t get the job done.


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You’d get away with it. You were posting earlier about what triggers an autopsy. Knowing that alone is enough. I’m sure there are dozens of ways to kill a person and have it look like a heart attack.

What I just typed is going to be my response to people making claims about a ‘deep state’ from now till the day I die too. If there was a deep state they’d have assassinated Trump 3 months in when it became pretty painfully obvious Putin had him under his thumb. Killing a president is hard, unless the Secret Service are in on it and you have an MD who works for the CIA consulting on how to make it look like an accident.

You convince him he needs some kind of injection/immunization to go to some foreign country, you don’t document it, and then you shoot him full of heart attack juice. So yeah there’s no such thing as a deep state.

Wtf is happening? Who is he talking to?

He’s got the cover-up all-star team joining him at the White House as they congratulate themselves for a job well done. Just waiting for him to thank Putin and to urge other countries to launch an investigation into Joe and Hunter Biden.

Hes doing this in front of the republican members of senate?

Nothing to see here folks. Totally impartial, these guys

Man, it must be really easy to write speeches when you dont have to worry about truth. You can just write whatever you want. 5 minute job, tops.

He’s the drunk guy who pins you in a corner at a house party and babbles incoherently for an hour or more while you stare blankly and say uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh. But he’s got a whole room full of people there who live this out like Groundhog Day.

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I hate this motherfucker

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Lol. According to president dumbass, New Mexico is totally in play


lmao trump pointing out jim jordan is a top top wrestler

This is gross

This might be the last time they let him do this.

Who’s going to stop him

There are moderate swing voters. I follow several, I collect them. Lots of Romney ->>>> Clinton voters in 2016 who are nevertrumpers now. I’d hardly describe them as the “base” of the dem party but they exist in the millions, if not tens of millions.

Just browsed my feed for 5 mins and found this:

Lol at thinking there is anyone left in the administration who thinks Trump is doing anything wrong let alone has the moral fortitude to try to stop him.


Enough plaudits. On to the enemies list.

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