The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances

His popularity isn’t up because of any “legislative victories”; it’s entirely because of his impeachment “victory.” It doesn’t mean he got more popular; it only means recent events made the deplorables less embarrassed to admit their worship of him.

Regardless, it was the right thing to do, and a failure to impeach would’ve been a dark stain on the Dems.


Susan Collins is legitimately one of the dumbest people alive.

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Lol, dude, the idea that impeachment was the wrong play is really dumb. Like, seriously bad fancy play syndrome.


Trump gif saying wrong. The military buildup and USMCA are real victories for him and mixing truth in with his stream of lies makes the lies seem more plausible. And the Dems funding the wall? Jesus. And those same Dems are supposed to campaign on how the wall is bad?

She’s playing dumber than she is. Calling her dumb is giving her the benefit of the doubt.

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She can be evil and playing dumb and one of the dumbest people alive and I believe all of those things to be true.


They’re victories for his supporters. I don’t think we can know either way, since it involves reading the minds of deplorables, but I maintain that his victories didn’t swing any unfavorables to favorables. His favorability is baked in at this point, and the polls only swing because people feel more or less comfortable admitting it.

I certainly agree that giving him those victories is morally wrong and strategically stupid–from a GTO/Prisoner’s Dilemma pov, if nothing else–but my reaction was mostly to what seemed to be your contention that impeachment was dumb because his favorability increased afterward. It would still be the right thing to do if his polls rose to 75% afterward.

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My contention is that the impeachment was far too much of the Dems focus over the last 3 years, and that, along with many of their votes, makes me think that it actually was far more important to many of the Dems than who we are murdering in the ME or on the border or whether or not taxes and food stamps are being cut. And I don’t see why I should have any faith that if the shoe were on the other foot, if Democratic President Bloomberg made decisions that were beneficial to his empire that many Democratic politicians or party members generally would do any better than the Republicans are doing now. Like, if they had put emoluments on the docket and some Democrats in congress with hundreds of millions of dollars had to sweat, I’d have a little more faith in them.

Spiteful Florida man is quite upset

Came here to post the same tweet.


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Think they had to impeach but they should not have sent it to the Senate and should of instead let it sit in the courts for the subpoenas on documents and witnesses.

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Vindman’d should now be a verb for a SSC who thinks telling the truth will make a difference in this shitty world

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But they definitely should have impeached him for family separation, then for emoluments, then for Ukraine. Make it clear to the American people that he’s a never ending series of impeachable scandals/behavior. Make him own the majority of all presidential impeachments ever.

And making the Republicans vote to say the family separation is okay is such a politically devastating move. Either you get a conviction and get those families back together or you have a lethal attack ad to try to retake the Senate with to get those families back together.

And it’s politically much easier than the Ukraine stuff:

  1. There are kids being ripped away from their parents. Video.

  2. There are kids in cages. Video.

  3. The president did this. Video/testimony.

  4. Closing statement: You’re supposedly the party of family values, well he’s ripping families apart. This is a crime against humanity, it’s appalling, that’s a high crime in the mind of any decent human being. This is child abuse ordered by the President of the United States. What higher crime is there? This is damaging our reputation. American exceptionalism does not cage children. A shining city on a hill does not tear a crying child from her mother’s arms. For the love of God, vote your conscience.

  5. When they acquit and say it’s wrong but it doesn’t rise to impeachment, immediately pass a bill to end the policy and a bill to censure him. When Mitch let’s them die with no vote, make ads for days.

There’s no quid pro quo, there’s no complicated legal argument, there’s no debating foreign policy versus personal political gain. It’s kids in cages, it’s wrong. Make everyone aware. Make people watch. Don’t let them turn away.

Instead, Dems were like we’ll give you some money for it if you improve the conditions.


What they should do is start pulling paychecks, because they’re not getting anymore high drama hearings with anyone from the admin

Yeah not only focus but narrative. The GOP knows how to control narrative. For years we got: Obamacare = socialism, socialism = bad, Obamacare is costing you money, we will repeal and replace, watch us vote to do it 75 times or whatever.

It’s stupid, it’s lies, it works. It gets news coverage.

Dems should have passed HR1 every Monday. A family reunification bill daily. A healthcare bill every Wednesday. A tax reform bill for the 99% every Friday.

Media: Why do you keep passing it?
Dems: Cause Mitch McConnell is a scaredy cat obstructionist who won’t give it a vote. Ask him why he won’t give it a vote. This is what we stand for, give us power and it’s going to happen.

Like it’s not even work, just keep passing the same bill.

And it was obvious from day one Trump was going to obstruct all oversight efforts at every turn. But these cowardly complicit corporatist pushovers were writing a series of strongly worded letters. On Day 1 they should have been handing out subpoenas like Oprah. Here’s your deadline, the Sergeant at Arms has your address. Be here at 9am or he’s coming for you. What’s that, Preet? We don’t have a jail? Fuck off, I bought a kennel cage and some folding chairs at Home Depot out of pocket for $500. We’re going to set it up on the National Mall. It’ll be great, the people can come see their leaders up close and personal. They can cage kids, we can cage them. Inhumane? Fuck off, we’ll order them pizza and bring them inside at night. May even give them a toothbrush to share.

Un-American? Have you SEEN this administration? We’d be happy to go chat with the SCOTUS. Maybe these subpoenas should be fast tracked since these pansy ass silver spoon pieces of shit are sitting in a cage? Fine by us!

They all would have testified and the American people would have actually paid attention.

Their strategy on all of it was total trash up until Ukraine and they still played that too passively. Half this forum could have put together a better strategy in less than an hour. The other half might have needed 90 minutes.


Sure that too. But I’m still a fan of: here’s your subpoena. You have one week. See you at 9am. The Sergeant at Arms is coming for you at 9:01. We are a nation of laws. If you call our bluff we’re going to perp walk you from the Washington Monument to the Capitol Building.

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I don’t think they have the stones to do that, but they could take a second look at the ole 'nstitution and find they have the power of the purse. They can pull DOJ/DHS paychecks until they comply with subpoenas

No kidding - that’s exactly the problem. But they don’t have the stones to start pulling paychecks either.

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Pulling paychecks is easy