The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances


My several month hiatus from this forum was the right idea.


Before or after they report about how a lot of Republicans are privately saying they were torn, just deeply troubled and devastatingly concerned with what Trump did, if only the Democrats in the House would have followed the process a little better?

About the same as the odds that anyone at the IDP can do accurate arithmetic.

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Given his neurological decline, we know he can’t sound-it-out. “Shankshamoneuthly”


I read it, I’m dubious. I suspect mental illness.

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Yeah. The rogue doctor poisoning him seems a little sketchy. Pretty sure he’s right about the traitor part though.

It is impossible to tell whether this is a joke or serious.


He’s a freelancer who once was a fox news staffer. I have no idea about his credibility, but thought it was somewhat interesting.

“A doctor poisoned me” is classic mental illness stuff.


Good article. Stuff like this (and the leaks lol) is why I still pay attention to politico. I happen to think she’s probably right.

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Whomever added the awval approved to the trump properties add

Good stuff.


That and going to a mental hospital. I can tell you from experience that broadcast outlets are magnets for the mentally ill. Most of them just call newsrooms looking for sympathetic ears.

I feel like stories like this come around during every election cycle “this person’s theory predicted the last election results! Here’s what they have to say this time.”

This theory is pretty different, and it matches up pretty closely with what I’ve experienced in my life. I honestly have never met a real swing voter, but I impersonate one all the time. I suspect it’s what most people do when they meet partisans from the other side who they don’t want to offend.

There are. Just not a lot of them.

People who aren’t directly affected by politics are good at sealing themselves off from it only to come out of their cocoon once every four years to vote for the candidate they want to have a beer with.

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