The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances

Have you seen the map on trump’s desk?

“While visiting Pearl Harbor, according to John F. Kelly, Trump’s former chief of staff, Trump seemed to have no idea what had actually happened there. Throughout he is misinformed and confused while at the same time utterly certain of himself.”


The Trump Presidency: a Biography

Chapter One
Trump seemed to have no idea what had actually happened there. Throughout he is misinformed and confused while at the same time utterly certain of himself.

The End

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Wonder if they’ll get Popeye’s

Who am I kidding

Define “grifter” plz

The Chinese came over and dropped pearls in the water. Really I mean big beautiful pearls. I’ve been married. Nobody knows pearls better than me. And these pearls, you wouldn’t believe it, ploop ploop ploop, right in the water. So they called it Pearl Harbor. And we were furious. “What a waste!” we said. Nobody knows this but we actually went to war over it.



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I’m sure the official definition doesn’t involve money but it’s the only point to do it in the first place so I only use that word if they’re getting $ from idiots.

Words change meaning all the time, I’m just getting ahead of the curve.

Reminder that this was an entire year ago (feels like at least a decade, or maybe a month, time has lost all meaning)


If he fed them the leftovers from a year ago, would anybody notice? Save some taxpayer money imo.

(This is not a slam on football players but rather admiration for the resilience of McDonalds.)


Meanwhile right wing media really going after the news of the day:
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Melania gets off WAYYYYYYYYYY too easy. What an absolute horror show of a human.


Who are the idiots giving money to krystal ball?

Seriously have no idea who gives her money

What’s the saying, when people try to tell you who they are, believe them?

“I really don’t care, do u?”

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Ok seriously. What the fuck?


How is Trump looking at a Congressional Medal strongly? Congress awards those, not him. He wants credit for what they are doing.