The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances

This guy gets it. There are a few others as well, but Collins and Gardner are the big ones.

Eddie Gallagher is a terrorist and he was not only pardoned but received glowing coverage of his new clothing line in the NYT and is going to campaign with Trump. GMAFB, there is never any principle besides racism and greed.


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If I’m Mitch, I present Collins with two options.

A) Vote for no witnesses. The trial is over in a few days and you have months before the election to do damage control. I, the rest of the Republican caucus, and conservative media will provide cover by arguing that the House brought us a weak case and it was up to them to actually talk to the relevant people before impeaching a duly elected President.

B) Vote for witnesses. Get singled out for going against the President. The trial lasts longer and uglier. The witnesses show up and provide negative testimony that makes the ultimate acquittal look even worse for the Republican party. Because you made me look bad, I won’t cooperate with any of your other legislative priorities between now and November and my leadership PAC might have some pretty tight purse strings.

Is that really a hard vote?

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It’s not a hard vote, and it’s made even easier by the fact that she doesn’t actually care


The best people with the best comprehension of historical events

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My man is definitely not in sheep’s clothing

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This is obviously laughable and bad faith bullshit, but it is a bit frustrating that lib/centrists hand-wave all the bad that Obama did. Many leftists pointed out his abuse of power in regards to drone strikes and targeted killings. It’s nice that the centrists are finally on board with that being a bad thing now that we have a deranged lunatic in the white house taking these tactics to their extreme, but the Republicans have a point when they call out the hypocrisy.


Well she hasn’t diddled any high school kids yet.

Idk. I stayed at a job working for a ridiculously abusive boss for years because I felt obligated to minimize the damage and protect people who were far more vulnerable and easy to exploit.

Now I think how stupid that was. I still wrestle with feelings of shame for fighting from the inside but unwittingly contributing to the very things I was fighting.

I’d like to make a snide remark about integrity, but in the hot seat, it was hard to have clarity. I’ve been out now for years and still don’t know. And that was only facing the head of a boutique entertainment company. I can’t imagine the pressure of facing the literal president of the United States.

Assassinating a general and part of the government of another sovereign nation is not the same as killing the terrorists responsible for 9/11. The UAMF against the leadership of Al-Queda was already approved by Congress, it wasn’t an impetuous decision made to distract from domestic political problems Obama was facing.


I agree–just noting that Trump’s tactics, which I think we all agree are dangerous, are built on those which Obama normalized and centrist Dems supported at the time.

The latest Chapo nailed this. The whole “well he was a bad guy but…(meaningless procedural objection)” is awful policy and awful politics. Bernie is the only one who opposed this without reservation or qualifier.

And I’ll admit to initially falling for the instinct to think “super bad guy, don’t really care.” The pro-violence, pro-military, action oriented media bias is a very real and dangerous thing.


One of my favorite parts of The Report (on Prime, starring Adam GOAT Driver) is how it keeps suggesting Obama didn’t know, Obama didn’t know, if only he knew…and then Driver finds out Obama was just trying to stick to his promise to be post-partisan

Killing bid laden was also murder.

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They Live DVD 02

I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass. And I’m all out of bubblegum.



I prefer a definition of terrorism that has commission by a non-state actor as a component.