The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances

At a campaign rally in Toledo, the president ran through a litany of hyperbolic attacks on Democrats: They want open borders, they are more extreme than ever, they are “stone-cold crazy.” It wasn’t a great departure from his usual fare, but he then for some reason stepped back for a moment.

“You know it’s interesting, as I’m saying this stuff — you know, ‘They want crime, they want chaos’ — I’m saying all this stuff, and then I say, ‘Gee, now I sort of understand why they hate me for it,’ ” Trump said.

Perhaps recognizing he had just essentially admitted to his own over-the-top rhetoric, Trump then added an addendum: “But it’s true.”





witnesses named Biden maybe

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She’ll Hunter them down…

Fine if there are witnesses I’ll give her opponent 2.5% less than planned.

Members were furious about a news story about Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson considering adding a third gender option on driver’s licenses.

“I really don’t know how much more i can take of this bullshit,” Sarah Loach of Flint wrote. Bloodpressure rises every day. I am about to go postal.”

??? why tho

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FWIW I think Pelosi played it about as well as possible. The delay through the holidays was smart, but there’s really no point in delaying much longer.

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Plus didn’t Mitch just yesterday co sponsor so that the Senate could dismiss impeachment without the articles?

that was me. first, i said take 2 (thc) gummies, bc being stoned at a trump does sound fun. second, i’ve done lsd/mushrooms 8-10 times each. i think 90% of the time i’d be giggling for the entire speech. shrug lastly, if anything it’d be the big crowd that would get me, but that would get me completely sober too…

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( twitter | raw text )

still blows my mind that people consider Trump “not a politician” when he says stuff like this and is an empty shell scumbag who parrots whatever he hears in conservative media.

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A representative for Rep. Liz Cheney, the Wyoming Republican known for her hawkish views, responded to the email from Gaetz’s office and said: “As an FYI, my boss, Ms. Cheney, will be standing with and supporting President Trump and voting against this unconstitutional, partisan resolution.”

God I hate these doublespeaking idiots.

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God help me… I am writing up Walrus reveals and can’t imagine I will be able to resist watching this for the lols