The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances

Yeah, I haven’t been paying as much day to day attention recently but I was never strongly in favor withholding the articles, I won’t bother digging up a post, but the Senate end game with Mitch in charge was easily foreseeable and always going to be problematic. It would be nice if they can have it hang over during SOTU but if they submit them next week he will be acquitted in a week if that long.

Could always add more articles to it now that there’s no way it’ll pass. Just pile everything on and make it symbolic of everything horrible he’s done.

It’ll keep him occupied, angry and stressed out. Maybe he has a health problem due to the fury within. Likely the only way he loses.

Wonder where he gets that?

Yeah, there was value in not letting McConnell quietly dismiss the articles before Christmas but returns diminish quickly.

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Mr Abiy has introduced massive liberalising reforms to Ethiopia, shaking up what was a tightly controlled nation.

He freed thousands of opposition activists from jail and allowed exiled dissidents to return home. He has also allowed the media to operate freely and appointed women to prominent positions.

The Norwegian Nobel Committee said Mr Abiy was honoured for his “decisive initiative to resolve the border conflict with neighbouring Eritrea”.

The two countries fought a bitter border war from 1998-2000, which killed tens of thousands of people. Although a ceasefire was signed in 2000, the neighbours technically remained at war until July 2018, when Mr Abiy and Eritrea’s President Isaias Afwerki signed a peace deal. So for two decades, the long border was closed, dividing families and making trade impossible.

The Nobel Committee said it hoped the peace agreement would help to bring about positive change to the citizens of Ethiopia and Eritrea.

Since the peace deal with Eritrea, Mr Abiy has also been involved in peace processes in other African countries, the committee said.

I can’t mind read but I think I can hazard a guess what the Nobel Committee might have been looking for - and it sounds the complete opposite of your approach to things Donnie.

Did Trump help broker peace between Ethiopia and Eritrea?

Not really - the US’s influence in the peace talks was minimal. The United Arab Emirates, which has a lot of influence in the Horn of Africa, was key in helping to bring the two parties together, says the BBC’s former Ethiopia correspondent, Emmanuel Igunza.

Saudi Arabia also played a key role in helping end the dispute.

Interestingly, Mr Trump has not officially congratulated Mr Abiy but his daughter, Ivanka Trump, who serves as his senior adviser, and the US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, have done so

I guess when your whole life has been getting things handed to you without needing to work for them, not getting handed something you don’t deserve feels like a slight.


Hard to believe the Nobel committee wasn’t swayed by Michigan’s Man of the Year.


So we are the mafia, now.


How do some of you guys not get this yet. Most of the Dems are in on it so of course they are taking the path most advantageous to the Republicans. They undermined their own case that it was an emergency and got nothing for it.

It’s right out of the Dem playbook circa 1994-present.

And lets not forget having the trial over the next month benefits Joe Biden the most. Who could have seen this plot twist coming!

Can’t wait for the acquittal and bigly bump in the polls and messaging for Donnie moving forward.

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Until both our news media changes to Facts and facts only, we are fucked anyways because they will try to keep the GOP/Conservatives in regardless.

What are you talking about? I’ve posted the same thing multiple times.

Doesn’t mean we can’t be optimistic.

So as I understand it, the Dems only need four Republican senators to break rank in order to have the majority votes needed to call agreed-upon witnesses in a senate trial.

Those four are like to be:
Mitt Romney
Lisa Murkowski
Susan Collins

Perhaps recent events were enough to secure at least four GOP senators such that it won’t matter if Mitch the Bitch throws a fit?

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I’m 500 posts late but Amazon ended up establishing offices in NYC anyway so AOC was 100% right to not give them tax breaks in exchange for coming there. Most of the jobs weren’t going to her constituents anyway, people were going to be moved in from other places.


Moscow Mitch gets to set the rules of the trial before it starts, so if he manages to add one that says “No witnesses, fuck you” then…no witnesses, fuck you. Really all Mitch has to do is whip up 34 guaranteed Nos then call a vote ASAP and wrap this up.

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I see what you’re saying.

Guess I’ll keep the WAAF badge ready.

It is incredibly dumb to hold them until after the election. There are political gains to be made by forcing the vote on them.

Also it’ll only take 50 or 51 Senators to adopt a rule, they could end up getting witnesses anyway… Swing state senators have actual leverage here and will feel a lot of pressure to have witnesses. Others (Romney) may just do it because it’s the right thing.

The rules are whatever Mitch says they are.

This is loosely analogous to a child complaining to a parent, there is absolutely no recourse here. The penalty is supposed to be getting voted out, or shame, or both, but that’s not working.

I’m not optimistic about anyone other than R-Money voting for impeachment. And that WV Dem will probably vote no.

The rules are what the Senate says they are. 51 votes and they have witnesses. Maybe even 50, I think Roberts is the tiebreaker.