The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances

I can’t wait to use that line at the next family dinner and pretend I know what I’m talking about

The beauty is that I can spin about nine hours of BS from one fact


I will admit my bias here. I have strong feelings about sexual assault from personal experiences and cannot help but delight in the possibility that a credibly accused serial rapist will see justice.

For anyone who just likes dunking on Trump…

Trump failed to include a written statement supporting his claim that the case should be dismissed on the grounds that the court lacks jurisdiction, New York State Supreme Court Justice Doris Ling-Cohan said in her ruling.

“There is not even a tweet, much less an affidavit by defendant Trump in support of his motion,” the judge wrote.

Epic fail by Dems

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I’m sure there is some semi-reasonable explanation for this, but fuck if I know what it is.

Mitch: “Yeah I’ve been in touch with the President and his lawyers, and we’ve decided to rig the trial and quickly acquit.”

Nancy: “So my only leverage is to not send the articles? Got it. I’ll be sending the articles next week.”



Saying and doing are two different things.

Would be a solid troll to claim to do it and then not do it

Or do it and start working on a second impeachment


I dunno, what good does it do to hold onto the articles in perpetuity? Seems like they should finish up the impeachment battle they can’t possibly win and focus on telling voters why they should vote Dem in 2020.

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I think he gets at least one but I would bet a lot he doesn’t get the A.

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Why not do both?

Another possibility is that the impeachment hasn’t really moved the needle the way they expected it to. They probably figured it’d have more support but AFAIK it’s mostly in line with Trump’s approval rating.

Another one is that they can point how scummy Republicans are if they just vote it out after ten seconds of it being on the floor.

Is it possible Obama was a surviving hijacker? Especially if he flew into the first tower he might have had time to escape, and it was chaos down there.


I think now is the right time, just after the whole of America watched Trump stumble around on Iran and maybe just maybe some Senators grow a conscience after the plane was accidentally shot down.

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What does it get them to finish it up without any concessions?

There is zero upside to what they are doing and if this was their plan they should have sent the articles over the day after they impeached him.

It clearly distresses Trump a great deal as well as some in the GOP. Why hand them a PR victory on a silver platter? The republicans ran the clock for over a year on a Supreme Court justice. I am not saying the reward is the same but there are real benefits versus none to just surrounding now so the GOP can whitewash the impeachment.

Nancy held them up to get fair ground rules. That hasn’t happened. Heck she backed down to saying she just wanted to know what the rules would be good or bad (that was yesterday) and now she is just going to send it in.

Not sending the articles does absolutely nothing to keep them from doing their jobs or campaigning. It is just a glaring reminder that the Democrats still don’t understand what is being played.

At this point they should hold them to after the election. There is zero reason to do otherwise. If they are going to be cowed by republicans calling them names or accusing them of being political just lol dems.

It is entirely reasonable to withhold the articles until the senate officially agrees to reasonable ground rules. They literally have to do nothing until that happens and if anyone asks about it that Is all that has to be said.


Republican senators are emboldened by the assasination. We’d have a better chance if we made posters of all the people Trump hasn’t killed. But then he might kill them.

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I think this is the only real play they have.

Unfortunately #Resistance Dem slappies spent so much time hyping impeachment that they don’t know what to do when the process fizzles out.


But this is never happening, right? Dems have no power or leverage, they’re not ever going to get Cocaine Mitch to concede anything.


Correct. Impeachment was nice for a day, but that’s it.

I really don’t understand what Pelosi was thinking wrt a lot of the impeachment process, but especially not sending the articles.

Specifically, I don’t understand why not sending the articles provides any leverage over Mitch. If anything it gives him more time to whip his own caucus into line before they have to take any votes. It puts more pressure on Warren Booker and Bernie to vote for a speedy-ish trial so that they can get back to Iowa. It undermines the case for getting new witnesses in the Senate, b/c you theoretically had more time to try to get them in the house while you were waiting to transmit the articles. And it gives him the ability to argue that your willingness to delay the trial indefinitely means that you must not actually believe that the President provides any ongoing threat to the US national security.

Meanwhile, he can continue confirming judges and passing defense appropriations bills, but, somehow he’s supposed to feel some vague “pressure” to hurry up and hold the trial? Because reasons?

I kinda see the logic in not sending the articles right before Christmas, because no one is paying attention. But trying to act like you could hold on to the articles to extract some sort of concessions seems like a pretty big gaffe when it seems that there was basically no scenario where Nancy wasn’t going to have to blink first.


So in the middle of all this stuff, too much to follow, Awval’s President of the United States is going to court for raping someone. The President, in a court case, for raping someone, is like page 5 in the newspaper (or would be if there were newspapers that were 5 pages long anymore).