The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances

$4B? That’s just a little less than the bi-partisan Congress gave him for wall building.

I think a lot of people are conflating the messaging of political activists and politicians. Imo, the question is not about how BLM messages it’s cause, but rather how the people vying to claim the political power compose their messaging. Many people, especially people on the left, seem to want/expect Dem politicians to adopt the messaging of the political activists, and failure to do so is portrayed as being centrist or selling out or whatever. I don’t think that’s the case. Politicians must message in a way that appeals to a wide portion of their constituency while being as innocuous as possible to the rest, I think. We shouldn’t expect a dem Senate candidate to be pounding the table at every opportunity about trans rights, or whatever issue, but we should expect them to fall in line and cast a vote in favor of legislation that advances trans causes. Then they should be prepared with messaging to defend it. For example, “Do you support Black Lives Matter?” “I think we can all agree, all lives should matter. Unfortunately at this point in time, it’s clear not all lives do matter in the US, and I support legislation that helps rectify that injustice.”


Democrats fundamentally under value power. As Cocaine Mitch reminds us daily, absolutely nothing matters if you aren’t in charge.

Donald Trump, idiotic as he is, understands this far, far, far better than Democrats. He didn’t run on giving away a couple trillion dollars to rich people, he ran on racism and free shit, and it worked.


Reminder that only a third of American workers is actually saving in a 401k.

The median 401k balance is $24,500. Even for workers in their 60s, median balance is only $62,000.

Inequality rises, the rich get all the benefit of the supposedly booming economy, working people get crumbs.

The answer to “What are you doing wrong?” should involve pitchforks (and guillotines?).




You might be right. I’ll admit to finding super privileged people talking down to poor people about minority rights mega highly annoying. (perfect example would be Taylor fucking Swift creating a whole song about how much better her life would be if she was a man… the woman has a 9-10 figure net worth and her parents were very well off… she had every advantage a person could have without a Y chromosome. Literally every single one. Her complaint is that she’s not as privileged as Leonardo DiCaprio who didn’t grow up rich like she did.)

I’ve posted extensively about racial issues on this board. I know the history, and I’ve been friends with nearly as many black people in my life as white people. I’ve got really clear eyed views about how this country works around race I think.

I get that criticizing blm was a bridge too far for a lot of you, and honestly if I could go back and do it again I’d probably pick a different example… but unfortunately I remember the sinking feeling I had when the all lives matter backlash and just immediately knew it was going to land hard, and then it did.

Those Democratic candidates saying poorly pronounced Spanish on TV is actually a great example of truly terrible messaging. They’re managing to communicate to hispanics that they are just pandering while triggering poorer whites who are afraid of losing their jobs to those same hispanics. It’s really really bad.

Another example of the Dems terrible messaging is letting news organizations run their debates. Essentially they let corporate America frame all the talking points the way they want to frame them, and this in turn depresses voter turnout for their side, all in service to having the media ask the ‘tough questions’ I guess?

They could ask legitimately tough questions and create an actually compelling debate format, but instead they let a bunch of talking heads bombard their candidates with republican talking points for 2-3 hours at a time in front of their voters. There’s literally no upside for the parties political power.


The way this should be framed is that the median 401k balance is $0.


Agree with your point that the “X is dangerous!” talk is the real danger, but I was partly trying to imply that they will do that anyway when it suits them to, regardless of what reality is or who says or knows it. But was also just posting about the speculation that the military brass were annoyed that a secret was being given away.

Whispers “Master messenger” AOC isn’t very popular nationally, and is especially unpopular among “working class” non college educated white folks in swing states…

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Just claim it. You did say yesterday that he would claim the cancer rate decline. I’ll be your Rubio lapdog.


Here I was thinking that Trump would say that cancer is good for you like air pollution.

Here’s the data:

…and here’s how it’s framed:



Yeah, you keep repeating this. Repeating stuff over and over again doesn’t make something true. How about getting into some details here, instead of hand-waving and declaring stuff ‘objectively’. If you really wanna play-act being a political mad-men guru, shouldn’t that be what you are interested in?

So, let’s give it a try.

  1. The BLM Network is a NVDA organization. Their target demographic is primarily those who are willing to take the chance of being arrested/tear gassed/etc.

  2. Let’s take another little peak at their mission statement…

We affirm the lives of Black queer and trans folks, disabled folks, undocumented folks, folks with records, women, and all Black lives along the gender spectrum. Our network centers those who have been marginalized within Black liberation movements.

Internally, BLM has been called a queer liberation movement with a black problem. Now my contention, as I play-act a political mad-man guru, is this…

  1. It takes a fundamentally different kind of messaging to successfully reach those willing to expend a non-trivial amount of time, hopefully participate in countless meanings, and risk get arrested/etc -vs- those whose confine their time spent to maybe 20 minutes every couple of years, and confine their effort to symbolically punching a hole in piece of paper.

  2. The intersection the set of A = {those who willing to risk arrest/etc), and B = {those who are intent on in rooting out patriarchy/etc in black liberation movements), and C = {those who are gonna say “no thanks” only because they don’t like a hashtag} is effectively {}, the empty set.

So basically, when I play-act for BLM here, I don’t see them getting “beat on messaging” at all. In fact, I see exactly the opposite. So why don’t you “show your (play-acting) work” here and explain how your conjecture even might make sense?

Dude, it would also help if you made an attempt to write clearly.

You directly followed a sentence asserting that BLM got “beat on messaging” with a sentence that starts “you guys”. That strongly implies that you are referring to BLM activists. But, in context, it’s obvious that you are referring to your fellow Donkey lovers here at Unstuck. Let’s kinda rewrite your sentence to reflect this…

BLM get beat on messaging. You Unstuck Donkey lovers are used to the Donkey Party getting crushed on messaging.

To your credit, you said “I’m not saying that blm shouldn’t exist, should use different tactics, or anything else”. So, if I will, what you are really saying is that your fellow Donkey loving Unstuckers are used to the Donkey Party being message crushed by the Elephant Party as collateral damage from outside groups like BLM.

Which returns me back to my original point. Given that such outside groupings will always exist… shouldn’t you, as a play-acting political mad-men guru, be concentrating on how the Donkey Party can message in a way that they don’t get so easily crushed by simple reality?

Do you have any ideas along those lines?

Seems like a lot of this discussion is dancing around the sad fact that Democrats cannot sustain enduring majorities and actionable political power without getting votes from racist idiots. I know that sucks, but it’s reality. That does not mean you have to win those votes by pandering to racism. You win by giving them free shit they need, most notably health care and higher wages.


Alright, lets pull out the wheel of republican talking points and see what it lands on today.

Pine Car Derby?

Well, ok. Have had it Mccarthy. Lets see how many times you can get it in this morning.

4 times already? Impressive

I’m pretty sure this is the point boredsocial has been trying to make. You’re just doing a better job of it here.

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How do these fucking liars with a straight face say that no republicans voted for impeachment? They literally lost a republican housemember conpletely who voted for impeachment.

Nah, bsocial actually wants Dems to incorporate fascist messaging like “all lives matter!” into their sales pitch.

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The DemE wants to only talk about race, gender, abortion, guns and other social issues because they actually agree with the Republicans on taxes, health care and the environment/business regulation. You take away race and they won’t have enough to talk about.