The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances

This is EXACTLY why the idea you are the pragmatist here is such bullshit.

BLM got attacked not because of the message they chose. But because republicans are republicans. All lives matter would have been attacked in the same way, by the same people.

Conceding ground is not the answer here.


A Ukranian 737 with 180 passengers crashed shortly after takeoff in Tehran. Quite a large coincidence if it is just that.

anachronistic, who are you? NotBruceZ? Did NotBruceZ get banned?

ZOMG. How patronizing.

Dude, BLM didn’t make such “errors”. BLM has it’s own values and goals. It’s not some kinda Messaging Co-op for the Donkeys, “your side”, or US librulz in general.

If you wanna play-act being some kinda campaign strategy super-wizard, or some such nonsense, you should consider this fact…

There will always be groups like BLM, who don’t share “your side’s” values and goals. They are never going to be silent. There is no campaign strategy super-wizard super-powers that can make that happen. That’s the real world.

So, really, seriously, shouldn’t you be play-acting about coming up with messaging for “your sidee” that is robust enough that doesn’t crash and burn in this real world I mentioned above?

Like, what makes more sense: trying to imagineer up a world where “your side” was peddling messages that “work” even while BLM/etc does it’s thing -vs- trying to imagineer up a world where BLM/etc doesn’t exit or has been effectively silenced?



No, outlawing unions is not better for working folk. I can’t believe I have to mention this.


Lou Dobbs might low key be the most horrifying freak Fox News has ever produced.


You are right. But worker owned businesses are the best bet.

A worker controlled company is a union.

I mean if you want to call those unions ok. You would know more then me…

Theres also no way you get meaningful workers rights legislation without workers or something similar. Rights are seized, not given away.

I was positive Lou Dobbs used to be a state-of-the-art, fully-rigged animatronic corpse. But something must have happened because now he’s clearly just bad CGI.

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I think you’re receiving pushback because you’re not being blunt enough in your description and this,

is still understating it. You’re saying we should trick them and… I kinda agree. At least, the idea has merit. Tell them about the quasisocialist goodies and when they ask if we’re also giving them to the minorities we act like we didn’t hear them.

“Give it to whom? The flax and the pelicans? Sorry you’re breaking up, I’m going through a tunnel.”

Then in power the blacks mexicans obviously also get them and by the time the whites get to throw a tantrum in the voting booth again they’ll realize all the goodies are actually good and we’ll say, yeah, we tricked you, your daughter has insulin now and your son won’t be crippled by tuition debt, stfu and walk it off. It’s not a bad plan.

p.s. I grunched:

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“Can you believe these dumb ass crackers think we’re not gonna also get you the sweet ass M4A? Lol I mean-WAIT SHHH one of them is coming! Ok everybody be cool.”

Well, that’s because you’re not a fucking asshole. But most people are fucking assholes. Even members of those disadvantaged populations. Fucking assholes all the way down.


Is this a real conversation right now? Like “let’s pretend to be republicans, that will increase turnout for the Dems”?


JFC the responses in this thread to wanting to have real competence in messaging. You guys loved it when Barrack did it, and you love it when AOC does it. Taking constructive criticism isn’t a strong point for anyone I guess.

For the like fifth time or something, you don’t have to sacrifice substance to message correctly. Messaging is how you avoid having to compromise substance by fucking winning. Politics is a battle for the hearts and minds of voters. Advertisers, and yes Republicans have lessons to teach us about this. We fucking suck at this.

A lot of you seem to equate good messaging with ‘being a Republican’. There’s a reason for this: they are genuinely great at messaging. They’ve taken a truly awful platform from a substance perspective and sold it better than McDonalds sells mechanically separated chicken. Imagine how good our platform could taste if it wasn’t served plain with a side of whatever vegetable the voter hated the absolute most?

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No, I just disagree that “all lives matter” and “welfare for whites wink” is good messaging.

AOC is like the most outspoken lefty politician we have, what are you talking about when you say she does it well? It’s nothing like what you’re suggesting, which is really just Biden’s strategy x10.


Welfare for all. Nobody said say welfare for whites. Show whites, blacks, and brown people in the ads.

Don’t be specific. That’s the core of the message here. You literally just proved you completely missed the point.

AOC is fantastic at messaging. When she does get specific she always finds a way to loop it back around to how it attaches to the larger audience. She also hasn’t given right wing media anything that they can get real traction on to the point where they just have to make stupid looking stuff up. She’s a goddamn genius at messaging.

I wanna be really clear here. I’m pro good messaging and communications strategy and I think the Dems are historically awful at it. There have been a few exceptions of whom Barrack and AOC are two.

And Bidens strategy is to compromise on substance so the messaging becomes more tolerable to voters. I want to change the messaging so that the substance becomes more tolerable to voters. That’s not the same thing. You aren’t this dense and I’d really appreciate it if you stopped erecting straw men.

All lives matter as the starting point in the direct aftermath of an unarmed black man being shot packs almost the exact same punch as black lives matter. It implies the exact same thing and it’s much harder to flank. BLM is massively massively in the right on substance, and a right wing messaging counter attack was always a certainty. The phrase BLM bubbled up organically from the grassroots, it wasn’t the result of strategy… All lives matter is where a bunch of highly competent communications professionals went to make BLM look like extremists, and it worked on a shockingly large % of the population. That’s just history at this point. In retrospect it’s pretty obvious that the best first move would have been to just start at all lives matter, which in that alternate universe doesn’t have the racist spin. I obviously get the racist spin in this universe and find it pretty fucking gross.


Not sure you understand what my point was, I wasn’t saying legislation to ban unions. Legislation that protects workers so unions become irrelevant

The problem with Dems is that they usually think messaging is about having the best collection of policy positions, when it is really about having the best narrative. Crafting a political narrative is easy. Tell people what their problems are in a way that makes them think that you understand them, then tell them who to blame for their problems. Republicans have found easy targets to avoid blaming elites and corporations.