Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper



Have you ever signed a statement called an NDA
Have you asked the grifting grifter why he grifts
Do you know the shape of hope and joy and people
Can you paint with all colors of the winddddd

What are you talking about? Just go to Joe 30330.

The problem is you/we don’t always spell it out. You recall how I was one of the few who agreed with you, even if I extended it to humor, right?

Jan 8

I think you’re receiving pushback because you’re not being blunt enough in your description and this,

is still understating it. You’re saying we should trick them and… I kinda agree. At least, the idea has merit. Tell them about the quasisocialist goodies and when they ask if we’re also giving them to the minorities we act like we didn’t hear them.

“Give it to whom? The flax and the pelicans? Sorry you’re breaking up, I’m going through a tunnel.”

Then in power the blacks and mexicans obviously also get them and by the time the whites get to throw a tantrum in the voting booth again they’ll realize all the goodies are actually good and we’ll say, yeah, we tricked you, your daughter has insulin now and your son won’t be crippled by tuition debt, stfu and walk it off. It’s not a bad plan.

“Can you believe these dumb ass crackers think we’re not gonna also get you the sweet ass M4A? Lol I mean-WAIT SHHH one of them is coming! Ok everybody be cool.”

If the other people saying Bernie shoulda woulda coulda done _____ are really saying this, then fine. But no sense playing coy.

My 4081st reminder that people were calling Liz a mean old shrill hag when she was making billionaires cry:

People were calling Liz a mean old shrill hag when she was making billionaires cry.

False. All negroes are magical like Legend Of Baggy Pants and D-Bo’s homeboy from Green Mile.


i double dog dare shitlibs to flag that post

really just put the nail in the coffin of learning anything

I’ve always liked this theory and its delicious 37d chess but I don’t believe it. Like, at all.

It made a resurgence again recently because black folks anywhere on the left were trying to cope with and rationalize their parents and dumbass cousins voting for Joe, but it’s nonsense.

The reality is, because black folks are never voting R, that Biden was 2016 Black TRUMP. And how 2016 was the year white folks really realized most white people are full of shit, 2020 was the year black folks really realized most black people are full of shit.


The same holds true among young, black voters. Although Biden’s Obama-era legacy sustained his loyalty primarily among black elders, black Democrats under 30 overwhelmingly supported Sanders.

Wait, do you guys actually not know how racist this shit is?

If you have a good reason white posters ITT shouldn’t ground their arguments in the ostensible ‘personal experience’ of vast tranches of black South Carolinians, now’s the time to lay it out, Mr Smart Guy.


Case in point:

Part of that movement is the “I’m a Medicare for All Voter” campaign in South Carolina, which is organizing to build support for single-payer through community events and voter education sessions across the state. The campaign’s website states that “South Carolinians know our healthcare system is in crisis” and “they know there is only one cure: Medicare for All.”

Adolph Reed Jr., professor emeritus of political science at the University of Pennsylvania and an organizer with the campaign, told Democracy Now! on Wednesday that more than 10,000 South Carolinians since December have signed pledges "indicating that they’ll vote only for candidates who support Medicare for All."

Polling also indicates people all over the place (ie, not just SC) were voting for Biden, for Klobuchar, for fucking Buttigieg because they thought those candidates were pro-M4A. Maybe it’s neither racist nor like, patriarchal or whatever, to suggest black voters aren’t magically immune to that phenomenon?


When these candidates raised their hands saying they were in favor of Medicare for All then quietly released a press statement 3 days later retracting, or named their private insurer healthcare plan “Medicare for All… who want it”, or just responded to all healthcare questions by name dropping Obama 5x - it’s almost like they were TRYING to confuse voters!



goddamn you fucking suck so much


Should I clown on Anachronistic or do too many people have him on ignore for it to be appreciated?

I don’t have him on ignore because I don’t require assistive technology to ignore people, but I thought there was like a collective agreement to just hope he eventually goes away. Knock yourself out if you’re bored, though. :+1:

Lol I found myself Not Laughing and getting Actually Mad so I had to dial it back.