Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper

I feel like we could have a pretty solid “how the left wins friends and influences people with their views on the electorate” thread. Telling black people they are too dumb to know whether the guy they are voting for is racist is, uh, not a good look.


It’s the same shit every time thanks for giving us Trump though

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You can’t tell black voters they’re dumb that’s racist!

Now to make up for that you better vote for the guy that wants to put black people in jail.

Fuck off.

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We’ve tried calling all of our potential allies snakes and rats and we’re out of ideas!


How is it any different than pointing out that, as a rule, while people are too dumb to vote in their self interest? How is it any different than “what’s the matter with Kansas” or any of the million discussions we’ve had where we laugh at some old white dude holding a “get the government’s hands off my Medicare”?

Like, I don’t impart some mystical wisdom to black voters. They’re just as susceptible to being lied to by the media and the political class as white people are.

I’ve got Boredsocial telling me that black voters INTENTIONALLY voted for the racist guy because apparently the black electorate really wants to appease racist white people. That is 1000x more insulting than simply pointing out that voters are dumb and there’s no reason to think black voters are any different than any other kind of voter.


Telling people they are too dumb to vote in their own self interest is also dumb. They aren’t, imo. They have a different perspective that you probably don’t understand, if it doesn’t make any sense to you.

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Uh, again, you’re taking the view that you know better than the overwhelming majority of black voters what’s in their best interest. “Did you know that Biden wants to put you all in jail?” Is right up there with “Abraham Lincoln was a Republican” in cringeworthy white-splaining.

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Would it be ok for me to point out that women who support Trump are supporting someone who is sexist, has a lengthy history of sexual assault, and governs in a way that is against women’s interests?


Bruh we currently have thousands of people marching on state houses protesting for the right to go back to work in a pandemic.

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It honestly comes down to fear, fear of getting even more wrecked in society in general, humans maybe dumb on the mensa scale and academics might be dumb on the fear scale…

And as I’m no academic maybe 1 of you guys can write about that, they fear that the Jim Clyburn of the world not getting a piece of the pie etc and would prefer some light Curruption over taking a chance with Bernie because Bernie ain’t in there state to protect from the authorities bashing there kids into the mud. The 60’s was a lasting memory for these folks.

After all someone always gets a little bit of drip down economics from the currupt more than say a honest politician… That’s life I’m afraid.

And until the roots are pulled out from the ground up, we cannot expect folks to just change.

I’ll add, maybe if American media stopped pushing the fear, things might change quicker than pulling out the roots and maybe that’s a way forward.

But policing in the US has to change or nothing will.

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Those people are largely astroturfed, they aren’t a representative sample of the general electorate, wtf?

Biden is leading Trump by 20+ points at the moment with women.

Black voters also don’t seem to have much trouble seeing Trump’s racism.

Yes. That is not what’s going on in this situation, though.

Why not? Why do we get to mansplain to a bunch of suburban white women that Trump is actually pretty sexist and bad for women’s issues (along with every other issue), but we can’t point out to a bunch of black voters in South Carolina that Biden is actually pretty racist and bad for black issues (along with every other issue)?

If you’re a privileged white woman who really wants more racism and is never going to need to worry about getting access to an abortion, going Trump isn’t necessarily cutting against your interests.

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And if you’re a 65 year old church going black voter in South Carolina, or a 12 term corrupt congressman seeking to funnel some money to his daughter’s SuperPAC, Biden’s record on criminal justice or economic justice or civil rights might not be cutting against your interests either. You still voted for a racist candidate in the same way that our hypothetical Suburban Stacy still voted for a sexist candidate.

This theory of “you cannot disagree with the collective opinion of old black people in the south” is pretty intriguing though.

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Sure, but the point is there could be logical reasons for black voters to vote Biden other than them being collectively uninformed, the same way women who vote Trump aren’t necessarily voting against their interests.

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Karen is incensed by insufficiently subordinate wait staff but admires Trump for telling it how it is.

It’s not that they’re dumb, dems are as susceptible to media manipulation as their GOP counterparts.

Republicans have figured out how to get poor uneducated whites to vote against their financial interests for decades by appealing to their hate and fear, regurgitated daily by talking heads on Fox News and other conservative outlets.

eDems have used “left leaning” networks and newspapers, disproportionately owned by multinational conglomerates, to scare their base by red baiting progressive candidates and labeling them scary socialists that will lead the US into Soviet era authoritarianism in order to protect profit margins.

At the end of the day this country is ruled by one party, the party of Wall Street Banks & Big Business and both sides of the same coin resort to demonizing social programs that would benefit the majority of Americans as their go-to tool to keep the masses in line.
