The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances

No it isn’t.

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uh, Russia is already more allied with Iran, so it’s not exactly a heel turn. Trump will be confused though. Shame the only person in the world who would be and it’s the fucking POTUS.

Because it was not about stopping an attack but trying to project the idea Trump has man sized hands.

R’s were talking about passing a bill so the senate can just decide to start the trial themselves anyway this week.

Someone needs to tell Trump he won’t lose any supporters when Putin releases whatever blackmail he has. Because its true and might save humanity.


Unless it involves live boys. Dead girls he can survive.

gym jordan survived. The catholic church survived. That’s fine too.

No video.

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I’m pretty sure this is wrong

It’s hard to win elections if you purity test voters in swing states.

The 100% virtuous tent has nobody in it btw.



The strategies they use, uh, work.

Why not deploy them for good? As long as you’re aware of what you’re doing it won’t affect what matters: the policies.

Changing the DEM CANDIDATE tactics to avoid alienating irredeemable white trash racists is not the Machiavellian move. Run a person as an (LOL) independent decoy to siphon votes from GOP. “Build the wall and Medicare for all” would pick off a sizable chunk of GOP base à la Ross Perot and render the party extinct. They are the party at risk here with hordes choosing racism over the option to buy insulin. Offer them both since it strongly dominates the current offering. Tom Steyer can use his money to dark seed and groom these candidates instead of making more ads for stale bread. Fuck Andrew Yang.


Yup. Politics is blood sport. AOC went for blood and primaried an old white dinosaur in a district somewhere between Robespierre and Yurovsky. Clever girl.

Trying to explain how trans rights is JUST THE NEXT CIVIL RIGHTS struggle in an A.M.E church in Ohio isn’t going to mobilize black voters come game day.

That she changes her messaging in a purple district TO WIN is the point.

There’s no virtue in losing.


This is exactly right.