The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances

eh, losing those amazon jobs couldn’t have been good for her. (oh sure, she wasn’t wrong but it does create an opening) she’s not losign to a R of course, and she’s going to be a favorite of course, but she clearly isn’t a lock due to that one issue. She literally cost her district jobs.

There’s a district over without an incumbent running due to health issues which is a lot easier than that one though.

No one in her district will believe the fictional narrative that Amazon was going to provide thousands of six figure jobs without any guarantees. No one in the rest of the country should either but clearly much of the electorate is functionally brain ded

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Buddy he is literally describing Bernie Sanders’ campaign. I don’t think you understand the point he is making


I will bet on any AOC election and give up the last sheds I have of faith in my fellow Americans if she loses.


Again. No one thinks we shouldnt fight dirty. But lets fight dirty to defend peoples lives.

  • attack republican donors for bullyinh trans kid to death while buying gay prostitutes
  • massive investigations into prison and police corruption and links to white supremacists
  • arrest and charge people with terrorism offences for supporting nazis.

Just a few strategies that dont concede important ground because of a misguided fear that republicans will attack us more on social and racial issues in swing states. They are already at max attack mode. They will stay there whatever we do.

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Thanks for making my point about the electorate

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all the stupid people celebrating bolton planning on testifying (if senate subpoena)

literally today “mitch has the votes to have the trial without any more witnesses”

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This times a million. AOC is exactly right. She never gives an inch. She punches back on everything. Because she has right on her side.


She’s not running for president…

Sorry for the string posting. Im obviously on a different time zone and catching up.

Not sure if you are saying this. But there exists a misguided view that racial issues and trans issue are not working class issues. That its an either/or thing.

This is a deliberate strategy to split the working class, and another example of why we cant concede ground. If they accuse of us of being liberal elites focused on gender issues. The answer is “fuck you, heres why” rather than giving up

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Yeah, but I was smiling when I wrote it…


Okay. So. I possibly shouldnt ve grunching. Because the conversation is obviously moving quickly. And im feeling a bit less combative.

I think we agree that a bunch of rich pricks appealing to race and LGBT issues to maintain power and fuck the poor is not a winning strategy.

Where we differ is to whether a broad brush appeal to the working class means we have to stop talking about them at all. I say a real working class message needs to be a broad church, and you cant concede an inch on this issue or else youve already lost.

I agree mostly, but I think it’s more useful to beat the equality overall drum rather than specifics (maybe for reasons I’d rather not think about) At present, pretty much anything that is bad for Trump and his ilk I’m against reflexively, no matter what it is.


If anyone isn’t paying attention to the other thread, Iran is attacking two US bases in Iraq. At least 10 rockets hit Al-Asad airbase, and according to ABC they’re attacking another one as well. Iran formally took credit on state television.


i’m sad iran isn’t focusing their resources on producing a top-quality moscow hotel room pee tape deepfake and posting it on everybody’s social media


Imagine being in a group with Sean spicer and Sarah Huckabee and being the least competent.

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The tweets from Trump when Putin heel turns and sides with Iran are going to be almost worth causing WWIII.


Claiming you supported Hillary while working 60+ hours a week at Facebook is something else


I have decided that this will happen.