The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances

Grunching. But “hey trans people, hey black people. Please stfu about all the dying and prison and hate and stuff because we have to appeal to racist white people” is pretty fucked.

We have to build broad progressive coalitions.

Read somewhere it was one of Jacob Wohl sockpuppets. Who konws though.
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Honestly I’ve agreed with the take that Fox News doesn’t have that huge of an impact due to only having like 10 million total viewers or w/e. But at the same time the UK, AUS, and America all went far right and elected complete fuckwits and the one thing they have in common is Murdoch media.

Are there other countries that Murdoch media has a significant presence in that hasn’t gone hard right?


So, just to clarify, Rubio and Graham don’t want to hear from Bolton because he didn’t testify before the House. Therefore, is it fair to say Republicans don’t want to hear from Hunter Biden, Joe Biden or Adam Schiff?

( twitter | raw text )

Joe had some amazing video of Lynzie extolling the virtues of letting witnesses testify in the Senate trial during Clinton’s impeachment

One of these days you’re going to realize that trans people are 0.6% of the population and black people are 12.1%. That’s not a coalition that can win elections without getting the whites on board. This is the problem with idealism… you find yourself making decisions based on how things should be rather than how they are. You can work towards making things how they should be, but you’ll only make progress if your tactics and planning are based on how they are.

Right wing propaganda exists. Poor people with retrograde views exist. 61.3% of the US population is white, and that % is higher in the swing states where it’s ~70%.

So the real question is how do you build a message that sells progressive ideas in swing states. I don’t mean watered down centrist bullshit. I don’t want to compromise on substance like Biden/Pete. I want to find a message that sells progressive ideas in swing states.

I’m sorry that you don’t like the fact that the people in swing states don’t like talking about racial justice and trans rights… but they don’t. So fucking stop, we lost the most recent election by a pubic hair and there’s zero chance that better messaging wouldn’t have been enough to make the difference.

People like you are obsessed with winning ‘the right way’ which is why you lose so fucking much. Just find the easiest/safest/most efficient way to win and win. Then do stuff that would be popular that fits with your world view. Rinse and repeat. It’s just not that hard, and this is a huge part of why the GOP is still viable. You’re literally helping them.

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If that means appealing to (or even just making sure we don’t offend the delicate sensibilities of) the transphobes, homophobes, racists, and Islamaphobes, I want no part of it. It’s definitely a sad state of affairs if nobody can “win” without appealing to white peoples’ fear and hatred. There is still a sweet summer child inside of me that believes hope and love will eventually win. And I really don’t think it’s by appeasing peoples’ worst inclinations, which it really sounds like you’re in favor of.


White people are 70 fucking percent of the only states who matter. You would really rather compromise on M4A and let the health insurance companies keep bleeding us dry so you don’t have to just not talk about divisive stuff? Are you stupid?

Do you realize that we can make like the GOP and do the less than popular stuff in the dead of night? Do you realize that almost none of this talk during elections has resulted in anything meaningful happening on any of these issues? You consider talking about them to be more important than having the power to act on them?

Allowing gays in the military was an executive order, Roe v Wade was a SC case, so was allowing gay marriage. Congress hasn’t passed shit for gays and can’t get real criminal justice reform done. The losing is the problem, and any messaging that helps us lose is evil. Sorry not sorry.

Goddamn the gulf between me and idealists, even those who I agree with, grows wider every second I feel. You guys need to learn to accept reality before you can change it. Sorry that’s just how the world works.


Join the Republican Party imo.

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No. I disagree with them about every issue of substance. Messaging != substance is one of the few things we absolutely should have learned from them by now. It’s how they keep beating us.

Their messaging is pandering to their core voters, who they carefully picked based on demographic realities. Then they do what they can for the people who fund them.

Democrats messaging is based on a loosey goosey idea of what is sort of right (although they are wrong about a good bit) and then when they get power they still have to work with the GOP so they compromise like crazy on substance.

How about we just run the best campaign for WINNING we possibly can, win big, and then do what we want on substance?

This right here is everything wrong with the left in 2020. You guys care way more about signalling your virtue than actually being virtuous. Being virtuous is making the world a better place. Talking about trans rights a lot when you need to win the swing states in the US is just masturbation. It’s like celebrities talking about insert stupid cause here. It’s about your own ego, not about being a good person.

Are you sure you’re not a Republican?

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Nikki Haley continues her debasement and self-humiliation by going on tv and lying a bunch.

Perfect fit for the Boeing board, on which she sits.


It’s not about appealing to the transphobic, homophobic, racist, or islamaphobic parts of those people. You appeal to their real life problems. You talk about how they are losing their way of life and talk about how you’re going to help them personally. And then you specifically don’t talk about stuff that will trigger those parts of them super hard. Healthcare, pensions, childcare, ubi, or whatever else. Run hard on that stuff. Run on doing something about opiates (and pack it into a criminal justice reform bill that disproportionately helps blacks because politics).

Then… in the dead of night you do the stuff they probably wouldn’t like using the same tactics the GOP uses to fuck up their pensions and healthcare. They won’t punish you at the ballot box later as long as you deliver the other stuff.


I don’t think abandoning language that rightly points out the myriad ways in which our society discriminates, and potentially losing the voters that feel assured by those messages, is worth it for the voters we might gain, because A) I’m not convinced that we’d gain that many voters, and B) I think continuing to press societal issues is morally correct and will eventually lead to softened societal attitudes that result in lasting change (see: gay marriage).

We have the correct position and the moral high ground here; I’m not willing to ignore that to protect the feelings of bigoted people. As long as we’re wishcasting about forming coalitions, I’d rather push both those messages AND policies that support all working class people, which would result in a truly unbeatable and highly motivated voter base.