The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances

How can Schumer guarantee this?


I assume all motions during the trial are privileged and therefore not subject to a filibuster, so he can force votes on stuff but no guarantee he gets to 51.

so bolton says he’ll testify if subponeaed, obvious mitch isn’t going to do that, is there any reason Schiff and Pelosi aren’t subpoenaing him right tf now?

He specified if the Senate subpoenaed him, so he said it knowing there is zero chance it happens.

No idea why Schiff and Pelosi haven’t subpoenaed him yet though.

it’s a strange game he’s playing. publicly saying he’ll testify and then the republicans not calling him to testify looks worse than just staying schtum. like i know republicans don’t care either way but why is he saying anything at all?


Such a step would represent a highly unusual move against a foreign ally that America has spent almost two decades and hundreds of billions of dollars supporting.

Trump’s public broadside against Iraq, and the private, internal planning about how to proceed, comes as tensions in the Middle East reach a fever pitch over the U.S. killing of Soleimani.

Broad confusion remains over how America will respond to those demands. Defense Secretary Mark T. Esper said on Monday the U.S. has not decided to leave Iraq, after a letter surfaced in which the U.S. military said to Iraqi officials that U.S. forces would be relocating “to prepare for onward movement.”

lmao just doing any dumb shit he comes up with


Make himself look reasonable. After it’s all over he can tell people he was willing to testify, he doesn’t know why they didn’t subpoena him!

I think he’s betting on Trumpism going down hard at some point. He got out quick after the Ukraine shit went down.

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I really thought he was gonna run with it. " they don’t want us there, fine, we’re withdrawing all troops "

That would have been wildly popular. Nobody who supports him would have cared it was due to him getting kicked out, and " Trump finally got us out of Iraq " would have played super well in 2020 imo.

Of course he’s an idiot and his ego was hurt so he doubled down.


The specific instruction was that I had to go to the lawyers—to John Eisenberg, our senior counsel for the National Security Counsel/NSC—to basically say, “You tell Eisenberg,” Ambassador Bolton told me, “that I am not part of this whatever ‘drug deal’ that Mulvaney and Sondland are cooking up.

What did you understand him to mean by the “drug deal” Mulvaney and Sondland were cooking up?

I took it to mean investigations for a meeting.

Great job media running with “Bolton says he will testify” headlines. Just fantastic. No context, no cynicism. Guess you’re saving it for BUT HOW WILL WE PAY FOR IT (health care, not war).


There WILL BE VOTES on a subpoena that you can ignore without consequence or else show up and lie all you like.

Between this, the we’re leaving Iraq letter, and the resignations, it feels like there’s quite the struggle going on behind the scenes. Obviously none of it matters as Trump will just humiliate them all and bring in purer cult members. Maybe between these, and Romney’s comments about Bolton, his blood pressure is getting up enough to root for a stroke.

right wing pc culture gone mad


when the secret service interviews him and asks him who “we” is, i hope he names his rival talk show hosts

Shats fired


So, Bernie?


Looks like Lindsey’s not alone.

Fuck it. I’ll take two.