The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances

The chances Iran strikes inside the US are zero. It’s too hard and it’s counterproductive. Even the head of Hezbollah was striking a concilliatory tone, saying they’re going to hit US military targets, not US citizens.

Being worried about Iran striking inside the US is buying into propaganda. When was the last time Iran killed people in the US? Has there ever been an occasion? Plenty of opposition to US imperial projects in the Middle East, sure.

Edit: Like literally has Iran ever deliberately killed US civilians? If you include Hezbollah there are embassy bombings and such. Reminder that the US shot down an Iranian passenger jet, killing all on board, including 66 children, and that the captain of the warship that shot it down was not only not punished, he was given the Legion of Merit “for exceptionally meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding service as commanding officer”.

As if they would have the restraint to wait til 49 to show cleavage
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I think this is a lot of it, except it’s not simple vanity, glasses show weakness. Good genes, very good genes.
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I love how a few days ago people said Trump started this to draw attention away from impeachment and now he is trying to draw attention to impeachment to make people forget this clusterfuck.

So much for him ever playing 4D chess. There. Is. No. Strategy.

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“Very busy”

The words of an innocent person.

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Just because Trump doesn’t have the skills to play this hand doesn’t mean it isn’t super powerful. Expect someone else to step in and play it starting in 2024. His name recognition got his foot in the door, but name recognition can be bought. This white nationalist/racist/whatever thing has to be beaten BADLY in 2020 or it’ll come back at us 400% stronger 4 years later.

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Completely agree, with one modification: it can’t just be beaten. Joe Biden becoming president isn’t going to save the day–it will just result in stronger backlash in 2024. It has to be replaced with a true fight for the working class, and Bernie is the only one who can offer that.


I would argue someone who can’t read has much less need for glasses. Near or farsighted.

This is west wing naivety at it’s finest. Working class white people (especially men) will vote against Sanders in droves just like they did Obama and Clinton and for the same reasons. The dems are the party of blacks/gays/jews/transgenders/muslims/socialists etc.

Add one more to the comprehensive portfolio of republican hypocrisy


It’s not about the 2020 vote–I’m sure Trump will crush the white vote in 2020 like he did in 2016. It’s about what happens afterwards and trying to beat back the tide of right-wing populism.

Joe Biden isn’t going to do anything. Bernie might.

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I don’t see why republicans won’t comfortably win the 2024 midterm if Sanders is president. It’s almost like battered wife syndrome at this point. White non urban voters are simply not going to like you until minorities and social liberals are’n’t so heavily dem.

This will be true UNLESS the leftists actually manage to figure out how to do something that helps poor white men in a major way. There’s a reason why I’m so massively pro Yang… I think those guys are being fed a steady diet of right wing propaganda, and the only way to get through to them is to punch through the fog and help them directly. I think pro union policies helped turn working class white men into a pro Dem voting block for 1.5-2 generations, and I think we could absolutely do it again.

They aren’t going to be able to miss fixing healthcare or instituting a UBI. You do either of those things and right wing propaganda loses a lot of its power over them and the political situations shifts pretty hard. Shit just legalize weed and you’ll win over a healthy chunk of them.

Assuming you mean 2024 presidential election, I think they’re [Republicans] favorites at this point (and if you mean 2022 midterms, then they’re probably favorites there as well especially if a Dem wins in 2020). If your point is WAAF then I guess you and I can just shrug and agree.

Republicans will always be able to appeal to white non-urban voters (and plenty of white urban voters) with racism–that’s not new with Trump; it’s been the case for decades. The only chance of reducing the effectiveness of that racism and “other”-ness is to focus on improving the lives of the working class. I doubt right-wing populism would be as big a problem if people had secure income through unions, affordable healthcare, and other social safety nets. It’s not a guaranteed success but it’s the best chance we’ve got at improving this shithole timeline we’re stuck in.

The knock used to be Bernie only had white supporters, now apparently white people won’t support Bernie.