The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances

It’s 100% this. People who are worried about how they are going to pay their bills are extremely vulnerable to otherism of every type, and absolutely any statements about how some group that isn’t them needs help results in a strong negative reaction.

This is the whole reason for my ‘shut the fuck up about race/gender/etc you idiots’ perspective on politics. It isn’t that you’re wrong, it’s that the framing is awful and plays right into the hands of the GOP.

You wanna know how to get broad support for programs that help minorities disproportionately? Talk about how much they’ll help the poor and middle class generally. Let every voter see themselves being helped by your policies rather than see you elevate some other person when they have it pretty bad. They don’t like that, and no amount of being right is going to help them like it. It’s like getting into a fatal car accident because you have the right of way.

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This is well said.

Thinking about the rest.

Sorry, meant 2022 midterms. I think we can reasonably predict that that will go against whoever has the white house. 2024 is practically impossible to predict now other than obvious stuff like great chance no candidate breaks 55% pop vote or something.

I don’t see any reason to think this. Old white people, the most financially secure demographic, was Trump’s strongest.

The Chief of Staff for the Sec of Defense is leaving at end of the month.

He served under three different Defense Swcretaries but did not start until after Mattis left. That is how absurd the Trump government is.

I am sure he just felt this was the right time to step down with nothing happening.

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If a dem wins 2020 they are inheriting a nightmare of tRUmp’s making. Colossal debt, massacred foreign policy and an incredibly divided country. There are consequences coming from this administration’s mismanagement and the new Commander in Chief will take the black eye from the right over the shape of the economy that their candidate destroyed.

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Not if they decide to just say fuck it to the deficit. Which they absolutely should. The GOP always runs the deficit up and then leaves the Dems holding the bag. It’s well past time for them to just say ‘fuck it’ and leave the GOP with an economic mess for a change. Doing anything else just sets them up to do it again.

Yeah I know that’ll eventually lead to the currency being devalued, but that’s going to happen anyway, so it happening sooner rather than later is basically fine IMO.

The GOP has figured out that deficit spending is popular, so they rant about the debt when they are out of power, and spend like complete idiots when they are in power. It’s super transparent at this point and they should just be straight up ignored the next time.

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If Bernie doesn’t win the primary it will be because he doesn’t do well enough with non white voters. Every dem, including Bernie will do “bad” with white voters in the general.

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( twitter | raw text )

Cross Post from the Epstein thread… @kre8tive :joy:

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Get Schiff to tweet a subpoena out as twitter is officially. GOV policy now.


Bolton’s agreeing to comply with a Senate subpoena because he knows he’ll never get one.



it sounds like a fucking lot

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Cross Post from the Epstein thread… @kre8tive :point_up_2:

Is Uncle B public again??

Did any of them issue statements? Assuming they all quietly resigned as cowards, but I’m prepared to be surprised.

Or he’s happy to quid pro quo. Defending Trump is a bargain for a brand new everlasting war.