The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances

joint chiefs of staff: we have a list of targets in case war breaks out, leaving of course the important cultural monuments untouched.

trump: no, i want the monuments, i want to really terrorize 80 million people

jcos: [silence]


That picture is why I sometimes catch myself selfishly looking forward to how things will be after the US Balkanizes. The fact that these assholes aren’t aware that city slickers like me are subsidizing their ‘reAl aMeRiCan’ lifestyles really rubs me the wrong way. Fuck the South. Nothing is going to get better there until the locals figure out that their own politicians primary objective is keeping labor costs down.


I feel like there could be some entertainment in getting right-wing Twitter to come up with their own lists of 52 targets. There’s no way they can get through that exercise with saying something stupid.

if you want to get super depressed, look how the naked racism and “nuke the Arabs off the map” platform polls in the 5 states that will decide 2020. Trump is a complete moron but even he knows this is his path to avoiding accountability.

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I have a couple “reasonable” Republicans that i still text back and forth with. Mostly to just see what the hell insane shit they are using to justify how depraved they are getting.

They are literally for nuking Iran.

Those are the ones who are sort of ashamed to be modern day Republicans. It’s sick as fuck. When I point out to them this makes them sub-hitler level war criminals if they authorized it they just shrug. I think we have crossed some kind of a threshold where literally 45% of us are either sociopaths or sociopath adjacent. There is no coming back from that and it will be the reality we live in for the rest of our lives here.

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I know a couple posters said their boomer fathers are some of those people. Adding that my boomer dad is as well.

Pretty sure the vast majority of Trump supporters are secretly on board with nuking the middle east


from jun 2019, aka 7 years ago in trump presidency years. A third of americans would’ve snap nuked North Korea for their missile tests.

"It turns out people didn’t care about the human toll of the proposals. Respondents were approximately as likely to support an attack that killed a million civilians as an attack that killed 5,000. "

(in that article noted 24% would bomb iran after the spy drone thing (it says military intervention but bombing is usually higher approval I’m making a presumption here that seems safe to me), now gotta be higher obviously)

Maybe why a lot of them get confused at the liberal outrage, to them Trump is remarkably restrained.

Worst part of the let’s bomb Iran poll? The group most opposed were old people.

Reality is, as long as they can frame it as “it’s them or us” people will support it.

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I’ve seen this before after 9/11. The sheer number of people who proposed turning the sand of the Middle East into glass…

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That’s fox country.

These are the same people who gave the thumbs up to his rediculous military budget like 2 weeks ago.

To be fair, it would cost you more to sponsor a child in Africa for one day than the shit going on in that photo.

Nope. They very likely have Medicare.

If my father was still alive he wouldn’t be quite about it. My mother is one going of the quiet ones and she still posts some idiotic nuke the middle east meme on from Facebook.

I’m your man, Steve Harvey. Top 52 answers are on the board. We asked a hundred “undecided” voters: Name something you’d bomb just for fun.




For people who don’t get that reference:


the Miss Universe Pageant

I wanted to come up with a fun snarky rejoinder to this but everything is sad and broken and there’s nothing funny about a senile reality TV host bombing cultural centers and families for funsies.