The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances

mike pence

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Guaranteed he tweets stuff like that when he wants to have angry sex with Kellyanne.

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lol War Powers Act. That shit hasn’t been relevant since the 70s.

Congress punted on declaring war with AUMF, giving POTUS grounds to bomb any brown people he wants so long as he can claim they’re terrorists.

it’s unreal they’re all like BUT THE CONSTITUTION now–ask rand paul how yelling that shit works out for him.

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Well this all seems to be going swimmingly.


On the plus side, his words mean nothing. He previously said Medicare should cover everyone and we should take away the guns.

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He IS the base.

What shithole country is that?

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I’m fine as long as they blow up all the “culture” confederate sites in retaliation.

What if Trump bombing cultural sites will lead to the blowback that will finally damage his support irreparably and doom his re-election bid? Should we let the bombs fall on Coventry?

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given iraq kinda went the other way around this is a bit risky

Is being risk-averse a good strategy?

Trump has more upside than downside shrugs.

he didn’t say it he tweeted it checkmate libtard


Aboard Air Force One on his way back from his holiday trip to Florida, Mr. Trump reiterated to reporters traveling with him the spirit of a Twitter post on Saturday, when he said that the United States government had identified 52 sites for retaliation against Iran if there were a response to Maj. Gen. Qassim Suleimani’s death. Some, he tweeted, were of “cultural” significance.

Such a move could be considered a war crime under international laws, but Mr. Trump said Sunday that he was undeterred.

“They’re allowed to kill our people. They’re allowed to torture and maim our people. They’re allowed to use roadside bombs and blow up our people,” the president said. “And we’re not allowed to touch their cultural site? It doesn’t work that way.”

The remarks came just hours after the secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, walked back Mr. Trump’s tweets and said that whatever was done in any military engagement with Iran would be within the bounds of the law.


Pompeo is like “Don’t worry D, the game is rigged.” When suddenly

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Note: the Confederate flag is in better condition than the US flag. Fucking joke, all these idiots.

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