The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances

Congratulations, Trump. You got a Meets Expectations today.

That hasn’t mattered for a few years now.

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“I wish I could make lasagna, but it’s expensive,” she said. Cheese is $2.49 for a half a pound. Fresh vegetables are pricey, too, except for cheap bags of onions and potatoes. Even “Fruit?” had a question mark next to it.

When Anne and her husband, Andy, took over his parents’ 305-acre dairy farm in 2013, they made a good living. But years of falling milk prices, complicated by President Trump’s trade wars, have left the couple nearly $200,000 in debt.

Farmers around the country are struggling to pay for basics like groceries and electricity as farm bankruptcies rise and farm debt hits a historic high. Calls from farmers in financial crisis to state mediators have soared by 57 percent since 2015.

In this part of New York — older, whiter, poorer than other parts of the country — voters chose Donald Trump in decisive percentages during the 2016 presidential race, the Lees among them. Like many farmers, they think their taxes are too high, their creeks and streams are over-regulated and that Trump still has their best interests at heart.

“We’ve had unfair trade for years and years. Somebody had to fix it, and he’s trying to fix it,” Anne said.

“I know a lot of people don’t like it but, you know, this was going to have to happen in order to make U.S. products become more competitive,” said Andy. “It’s going to hurt for a while.”

We’ve moved from “I didn’t think the leopard would eat my face!” to “it’s actually a good thing that the leopard is eating my face”

They deserve it, sorry not sorry


“Do you know what’s actually evil?”

he’s busting his ass doing farm work all day and his family can’t afford food, but, you know, [fill in the blank]

  • “gotta stick with what works”
  • “getting rid of mexicans will increase the price and demand for milk”
  • “i thought obama was a kenyan muslim but it turned out he isn’t so i need america to have a white president with absolutely no intelligence or capability to prove that being president isn’t a big deal and any idiot can do it so that i don’t have to grapple with the idea that black people are human beings just as much as me, with equal capacity to do anything i can do”

0 voters

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It’s evil all the way down!

No, it actually is.

From the comments:

Why do I get the feeling that if the suffering were in cities, we’d be hearing a lot more about personal responsibility and boot straps.


Not that this will matter.

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Also he passed a law that lowered corporate taxes making the paper owed by shareholders directly worth more…

I’m sure it’ll draw a response

Maybe California should extradite all the poor whites back to where they came from.

Meanwhile makes California sound awesome with everyone going there.

My thought was I hope it totally wipes them out before relief is achieved.

Find me two people more in need of a trading places experience, you can’t.

Dairy has been cratering for a while, more to do with changing milk drinking habits AFAIK. l don’t think how much if any Trump’s antics have to do with it.

On a happy note, a Xmas in Wisconsin at two different family dinners with only one Trump remark, and it was by my sane cousin who thinks he’s a fucking idiot. Other than that, crickets. And no (zero) Trump signs/bumperstickers which were previously pretty common.



Anne and Andy? Really? Sounds ragggedy made-up


Unless they’re actively discussing the need to remove him and throw him in jail, I question the depravity of any family members.

Saying “nothing” “political” re: Trump is a very sure sign of being an asshole.

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No group of people on earth deserves less sympathy than Republican voting farmers who are going broke. Mega womp womp.


I’ll go with Villages residents getting grifted out of retirement savings or Wall Street types getting imprisoned.

Farmers are generally less ignoble imo.


Little ditty about Andy and Anne
Two 'Merican kids growing up and inheriting land
Andy cast his vote for a TV star
Now Anne has to sell herself in the backseat of a car