The Pets of Unstuck

Fat as a baby bear in Salmon season. Good Lord.

Tonight we had to unexpectedly say goodbye to Molly. She was the kindest, gentlest creature I’ve ever met. She was 10, but still in perfect health. I came home and noticed something was off. By the time I realized it was more than just a standard stomach ache and took her to the emergency vet, it was too late. Her stomach had flipped, and she was too far gone to save.

She’s the good girl on the right.


Sorry for your loss :heart::heart::heart:


After a few weeks without our Molly, we are looking at dogs to adopt. And man they don’t make it easy. I’ve spent hours filling out 10 page applications, that require giving them contact info to people outside of our house as references, which I hate doing. I’ve sent in pictures of our house and yard. Only to be told, ah yea, we haven’t updated our list, that dog isn’t available.

And most of them won’t let you adopt without a physical fence. We live in the middle of nowhere with 3 acres of yard, but only an invisible fence, which isn’t good enough. And many won’t adopt to families with kids under 10.

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That’s the way it was when I was a kid, but in Los Angeles you walk into a shelter and walk out in 30 minutes with a dog. Are you going through rescues / looking for a specific breed? I know that can be more involved.

We’re looking through different rescue sites trying to find something similar to what we had.

Emergency came up and we took in 3 corgis two nights ago. Two of them went to fosters yesterday and the 3rd one should be going to one within the week. After we got our 3rd dog this winter we said we were done fostering but my wife couldn’t say no to these ones. The oldest one had horrific fur and toe nails, desperately needs a full grooming and nail trim. Corgis have pretty full undercoats and need to be brushed regularly especially the couple times a year they blow them out.

Someone who had 4-5 adults and new litter of 4 posted on Facebook that their house burned down or something and they were going to kill all of them if they couldn’t get someone to take them. Yeah too bad you weren’t in the house when it burned down you fuck.

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It’s tough. Just have a kid. No permits required.

They retain rights to the pet.

Reminds me of an old prank. Post on craigslist or facebook that you’ve got a puppy up for adoption and it needs to be picked up by the end of the day. And then change your voicemail message to “hey you’ve reached [so-and-so], if you’re calling about the dog, we’ve already put her down”

Sometimes when you’re old you fall asleep and have a dream where you’re chewing on something so your tongue sticks out of your mouth. Then it dries out and stays there and something wakes you up and you aren’t sure what’s going on and your dad takes a picture.


We were just talking about the late, great Sid (aka the dogfather) with his old man tongue out. Awesome pic.

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We added Graham to our family tonight. He’s a 5 year old Lab/Golden Retriever mix and looks pretty similar to the dog we just lost a few weeks ago. His previous family was moving and couldn’t take him with them. It was a mom and a young boy, and it was a very emotional event for them letting him go. I felt terrible for them.

He’s very well behaved and was well taken care of. He spent a lot of time running from place to place in our yard sniffing everything and marking most trees. He did the same in the house but without the marking. He seems very happy here with no anxiety so far, which I was worried about.

It was a surprise to our kids. My wife video’d when I pulled in. Our 3 year old said excitedly “Molly’s back!” Which brought some tears, as Molly was our previous dog.


Now I got Snoopy Come Home vibes. That had to be hard.

All the luvs for Graham. He’s a very good boy and a great family pooch.


Graham is smiling like the goodest of boys. Congrats on the newest member of the family.

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I am sad missing my dog and my roommate’s two cats. There’s just no way for me to see them or keep my dog with me at this sober living house.


He wants my sandwich.


Youre goddamn right he does. And if you leave it for a second, it will become his sandwich


We just babysat a friend’s cat for a month, and he won’t eat anything offered to him off the humans’ plates. It all seemed so weird.

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The superior creature rejects your pathetic offering.


Dead bird or gtfo