The NHL Thread: It’s Back

People gonna see what they want to see

It’s bound to happen in the Nhl. It just is.
Malarchuk was saved mostly because the medic was on his end of the ice, and was an ex-army medic with trauma experience in Vietnam.

There has got to be some kind of neck protection they could wear.

There is. All kids are forced too, but this is a league where 25 years ago some guys still werent wearing helmets.

You have to wear them in minor hockey, but literally no one does once they are an adult. The risk is miniscule and most players prefer less equipment, especially around the head that might make a difference fewer than 1/1,000,000 times.

Yah these morons won’t even wear a cage and let their teeth and eyes get blasted out of their faces all the time. The extremely small chance for decapitation doesn’t even move the needle.

The LOLChokes about to start the season 0-10

What in the Arturs Irbe?

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And some still don’t wear visors.

But man MacTavish played until 1998? That’s a long career for playing without a helmet.

Visors are mandatory now for new players at least.

Rangers looking good, but idk if the eastern conference can dodge a 140point Boston team 2 years in a row.

Down 6-1 to the Penguins half way through the second… Sharks seem bad.

Theyre gonna be -40 goal differential through 11 games. Holy shit

I dont know if any team has allowed 10 twice in a row in the salary cap era.

At this point they may want to consider calling up Arturs Irbe

On the plus side, the 2 goals they scored got their goals per game average back above 1.

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One more, boys!

The Sharks prospect pool is pretty bleak as well. Will Smith has some upside, and Ecklund is maybe a star in the making, but the rest of their prospect pool is “candidate to be a solid NHLer” types. They do have 4 picks in the first two rounds of the 2024 draft but they’ll probably be terrible for several years now.

I guess they should follow the Coyotes roadmap, Arizona just gave up for a while and fully committed to the rebuild and now they’re looking pretty good. The Sharks would be well served by becoming that team that takes other teams’ cap mistakes off their hands in exchange for assets, but amazingly the Sharks have been so badly mismanaged that they are this bad AND don’t even have a lot of cap space because they’re paying people like Vlasic $7M a year to be a below replacement level NHLer. Oops.

What a weird contract history for Vlasic -
Entry level for 3 years
Then 4x3.1
Then 5x4.25
Now 8x7M signed at age 31. I guess Doug Wilson was making up for underpaying him on the two middle contracts.