The NHL Thread: It’s Back

I don’t play hockey but it looked like his leg was in a very unnatural position. Anyone want to fill me in?

Edit: I guess Aofrantic did above.

Both players were moving very fast, the guy who ends up having his blade hit the other takes a weird turn just befofe his leg goes in the air, looks like there was some momentum and his right skate may have even been kicked/tripped slightly which led to him throwing up his other leg for balance.

Its a freak acciddent. Anybody claiming otherwise just simply doesnt watch hockey.

Hell, the hit Stevens gave to Lindros to end his career was much more intentional but was still considered clean even though it was brutal and nasty.

Its guys flying around at enormous speed on a sheet of ice on a thin blade. Of course balance will become an issue sometimes


Gonna be honest. That doesn’t look like an accident.

Not saying he tried to slash his neck and kill him but he definitely wanted to make contact with his skate.

Obviously calls for him being a murderer are bullshit but man if it wasn’t a professional game, he’d definitely be looking at criminal charges of some kind. That was no fall or him being off-balance. He slowed his momentum and lifted his leg up backwards in an unnatural way to attempt to make contact with his skate. If Marty McSorley can get arrested for what he did to Donald Brashear, then this guy can too.

Another thing is that Petgrave does have a history of being suspended for illegal hits. So this would not be the first time he ran afoul of the league.

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It may have been intentional, and he maybe should get in trouble, but the right wing calling it a race based mirder is what’s insane. There’s literally nothing that I’ve seen about this story that suggests race had anything to do with it, but when a white man is killed due to the actions of a black man, the right absolutely has to latch on to that.

Yeah I’m a fair weather hockey fan at best so I’m not going to claim any expertise, and I can think of some non murderous reasons he could have lifted his leg but they all seem like pretty evil intentions regardless.

I don’t even know who that right wing lady is but she is obviously doing it for attention and it’s obviously working.

Its genuinely natural to stabilize yourself in a moment like that.

Its dangerous to take your skates off the ice. Anything not in a natural skating motion should be discouraged and taught to be avoided, but there is really no malice here.

Played hockey my whole life, still play, and don’t want to watch the video…so I can’t chime in on what’s natural or unnatural.


Mackinnon is a top 3-5 player and skater. It happens!

Of course the guy wasn’t trying to murder another human in puckslide. Cmon.

But did you know he is black and the injured player was white?

Does that change anything for you?


cmon everyone knows black guys don’t play hockey smh


FWIW whoever that Tweet is quoting is apparently at least 110 years old, so it makes sense that his memory isn’t perfect.

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There’s a lot of room between being a murderer and an accident and that’s likely where the truth lies.

He definitely tried to make contact with his skate. This wasn’t some Malarchuk or Zednik incident where bodies are flying everywhere and a fluke accident happened.

At the same time, people claiming he’s a murderer on social media are obviously shit-stirring racists.

Coach warned him about trying to do the Iron Lotus.


This just isnt true. He got hit and was off balance.

He may have seen a bad clip. There is a shortened clip out there which doesnt show the initial impact. You can guess which version the blue checks are passing around

I saw the normal non-shortened clip and his skate being up that high was clearly intentional. Add in that the player in question has a recent history of losing control of his emotions during games and it becomes even more clear.

Would you say the same of the clips I posted featuring Mackinnon, Nash etc?

You guys are just 10000% wrong.

Is he a ninja? A gymnast? The odds of getting his leg up to that level without having a balance issue is crazy

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