The NFL Thread 2: 1. T Swift

i know he’s not a good person and everything, this is cold though…


yeah. acab and all, but him saying “what if i wasn’t tyreek hill?”- if you weren’t tyreek hill you would probably still be in prison in oklahoma from that first time you strangled the pregnant girl unconscious.


Standard cop-speak. Comply first, complain later. Hill was not immediately “cooperative” but of course no details, or why he had to be put in cuffs (officer safety is 100% bs here) . Hill refused to sit, so had to be taken to ground (of course, no real reason he had to sit, he was in cuffs at that point so not a risk at all).

And of course he was “directed to the ground” buries the lead that he was directed by being kicked while hand-cuffed.

Jesus, I assumed “comply first complain later” was your interpretation of the statement, not it’s literal text lol.

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Gwynneth Ball-Throw.

Is that anything?

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lol they are basically saying “look if you don’t comply our officers may haul off and beat the shit out of you so for your safety, please just comply with whatever they see even if you are well within your rights to not obey.”

So he was driving recklessly, give him the citation and send him on his way. The way cops can escalate a minor traffic stop into a newsworthy event by just losing their shit the second their authority is questioned is insane.


Let’s see here: “Enigma: a person or thing that is mysterious, puzzling, or difficult to understand.”

Swing and a miss there. He’s an idiot. It’s that simple.


I hope it’s better than Aaron Rodgers: Enema.

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Yes. He’s also always been an insufferable prick; the evidence has been on plain display every time he spoke publicly for many, many years. Brutally unlikable for his whole NFL career. I guess I should just be grateful that people finally got on board with treating him as an insanely unlikable villain, but I’m too petty not to remember the widespread pre-2021 reaction to him.

I actually have some sympathy for Rodgers. It sounds like his entire family are a bunch of Christian assholes that tried to control his life throughout college and his NFL career and shamed him for having his own thoughts. I give Aaron a lot of credit for not taking his families bait and airing out their dirty laundry. The stuff they did was despicable - talking publicly about how Aaron had distanced himself from the family but providing no details, then leaking stuff to the press to make him look bad.

Yes, his own thoughts are stupid, but I think when you are raised in that type of environment it’s hard to become a well adjusted adult. It also doesn’t help when you go straight from that environment to being famous and everyone kissing your ass and telling you how brilliant every moronic take you have is.

That’s a very charitable view. I guess “it’s not all his fault he’s a huge asshole” is still preferable to the time when everyone’s head was fully jammed into the sand about what he was. But I think that you can probably cobble together a case for why most unlikable people have a background that contributed to what they were. While it’s not altogether invalid to shift some of the blame away, I struggle to accept a framework where a 40-year-old does not bear significant responsibility for what they choose to be in the here and now.

I’m not saying he doesn’t bear significant responsibility for still being an asshole at 40 and shouldn’t be laughed at/shamed. I’m just saying in the same way lot of criminals are a product of their environment/upbringing, Rodgers is a product of his. I think the Christian faith (at least adherents like Rodgers’ parents), is perhaps one of the most damaging things to children.


I’m guessing all the officers mysteriouslyhad their body cams deactivated

must be a bug

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Just curious, what did he do early in his career that made him an insufferable prick?

Wasn’t he an asshole about the Packers drafting Love, when Rodgers himself had played that role previously in his career?

Edit: maybe that’s not early in his career, but it’s pre-COVID nonsense.

There was no one significant incident. As a starting QB he had to do media constantly. His personality was not concealed at any point.

Oh, gotcha. I thought maybe you had some examples or something

I’ve said it before but Rodgers is that guy that seems like a normal dude you’d want to hang out with but once you scratch the surface it gets weird fast. I think we all know people like that, where we’re fine spending time with them with mutual acquaintances a few times per year but have no desire to maintain any sort of close relationship with them. It’s not like he’s JD Vance and can’t order donuts without being a weirdo. But he’s Charlie Sheen levels of crazy once he starts doing his own “research”.

I mean I get that, but I never felt like we got to that stage until later in his career, so I was just curious about the LKJ claim of it being clear he was like that from early on, which I certainly didn’t see