The NFL Thread 2: 1. T Swift

There was one drill in high school where the coaches would make three of us stand with our hands behind our backs, while a running back was jogging from side to side. Then the runner would turn up field and run straight at us. We were supposed to tackle him by lunging at him with our helmets. The idea was to keep your head up and lead with your head while making a tackle. Some of my old teammates still remember that drill, and we agree that coaches might be arrested if they made players do that nowadays, but still, head trauma just from routine collisions is an obvious concern.

We had some wild drills too and if someone was late for a two a day practice they would put them in the middle of a circle and players would take turns charging them from different directions and blind siding them.

I’m not judging anyone for watching football, if STL still had a team I would probably still be a weekly fanatic.

But to say we want more people to support it would be like saying we want more people to get into polluting and eating factory farmed meat.

No, as a society we should get less violent and more conscientious.

I always thought this was an informal gentleman’s agreement. Today I learned.

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anyone hear about the Washington commander employee who got set up by a date and got him saying all kinds of crazy stuff about the nfl? He got fired and apparently none of the big nfl related media are talking about it.

Jeff Pearlman (noted sports author) made a tiktok about the story. Was really slimy what they did. Kind of like that political gotcha guy I am forgetting the name of.

Anyways the employee talked a lot about several issues facing the nfl including homophobia by the players, CTE and the nfl’s performative nature related to it and a bunch of other topics.

Anyone know anything about it?

I can personally attest to this.

It makes the NFL look bad, but he’s mostly right and just trying to impress someone he thought was a date with inside dirt.

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Does the sound of this already terrible NFL sound terrible? Too many background voices and the crowd nice sounds like AI.

seems like a dumb gotcha journalist and very heavily edited.

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The name of the person you’re probably thinking of is James O’Keefe, which, well, look at the Twitter account posting about this :upside_down_face:


I think youre thinking of Project Veritas and it was almost exactly like that


I think it’s weird the NFL went to Brazil the same day as the Brazilian national soccer team was playing a crucial qualifying game at home. NFL usually doesn’t make missteps like that.

So this looks like it will become a thing:

Man, I’ll be really disappointed if Patrick is MAGA also. I actually like him. Even marrying someone who is MAGA is not great though, so I already like him less.


Violent ground acquisition games like football are in fact a crypto-fascist metaphor for nuclear war.


lol. I was thinking of him did not realize it was same guy. He used to be with project veritas right?

Man how buried in the cult do you have to be to throw away being Taylor Swift’s bestie over it?


Yup same guy from Veritas

Dak signed a 4 yr 240 million dollar extension.

Tell me you don’t live in Alabama without telling me you don’t live in Alabama


Not really

You know what the median career length and earnings are? They’re shockingly low