The NFL Thread 2: 1. T Swift

Why not just have the “kickoff” be an actual play from one’s forty yard line. The kicking team gets one offensive play, and there are no first downs.

Unless it’s the last play of the half, teams will presumably kick nearly always, and there could be a penalty for kicking out of bounds. Teams always have the option when kicking off to fake punt and try to score.

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Yeah that’s what I was basically saying in my post about just having the kickoff being an automatic 4th & 15 play from scrimmage, meaning it’d be a punt 98% of the time. I think the original idea was pushed by Greg Schiano.

My guess is that there’s some combination of the NFL not wanting a play where the “kickoff” could get blocked or snapped over the punter’s head, and the possibility that a really good offensive team might start gaming it and just going for it every time and make a mockery of the game (you might not need an amazing conversion % to make it an EV+ play, especially since some of the times you fail you’ll still gain yardage and leave the opponent with good-but-not-guaranteed-points field position).

Even playing high school football, these plays were scary as hell. I experienced it on both ends, flying down the field at full speed and just plowing into some poor blocker who was standing still, or I’d be the one standing still and trying to drill the guy who was coming at me. And back then they taught you to lead with your head. If I end up with CTE, I’m quite sure it will be the result of some of these plays.

The problem with a single offensive play taking the place of an onside kick is that it makes bad pass interference calls an even more high leverage situation.


Time to break out the 10 sided dice. Call your number and keep the ball.

No one gets hurt.

Can even bring out a local D&D nerd to do the roll.


Just going off the headline, they’re going to do an open 40 yard scramble for control that left a player seriously injured before the first play of the XFL could even occur?

Whats league minimum nowadays? Id be a dice roller for that kinda swag

I believe that was for who got the ball to start, this is for kickoff process

Vet minimum is $915k this coming up season. Rookie minimum is $750k.

I like John bois idea for what to do with kickoffs:



Any chance you could give me some cliffs on this Rice thing? Sounds fucking nuts. Too lazy to go digging when I know you have probably immersed yourself in the saga since the news broke.

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Rice was almost certainly driving the Lambo (rented to Rice), racing with his buddies in his Vette. The idiots ran into each other and caused a 6 car pile up that they’re incredibly lucky no one was seriously hurt in. TMZ has pics of Rice drinking with the same buddies and family members in a bar not long before the wreck.

The 5 buddies got out of $300k worth of cars, walked down the highway and disappeared within minutes of the wreck. The guy who seemed to be in the biggest hurry to get off the highway had a gucci case. Some witnesses said they saw them pull guns out of the cars. Most likely they were also drunk and maybe on coke or something.

Rice has since lawyered up and released a nothing statement. The CP legal brain trust is debating whether leaving the scene of a wreck with minor injuries is a felony or not. Most seem to think Rice will get no jail time and be suspended 4-8 games.

A contingent of CPers whos struggle with object permanence refuse to acknowledge that a video of Rice (wearing same shirt as in bar) exiting the Lambo passenger side after another guy (the driver’s side door was crunched), two seconds after the wreck, is proof Rice was driving. You’ll be shocked to know these are the same posters who believe the evidence that Bill Gates is planting microchips in vaccines.


Thanks man. That legit saved me an hour.

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He might get suspended but I doubt it’ll happen this season given how slowly the wheels of justice grind in the NFL.

He’s not good enough to ensure he doesn’t get released. Especially considering they already have another DUI situation to deal with. (Reid Jr)

Idk, he’s their best WR. I don’t see them cutting him over what the league considers a “boys will boys” situation. Especially if nobody got seriously injured.

Not saying he will, but there is a chance. If he wasn’t on a rookie deal, I think for sure

The problem is the racing and the crash is on video and then he’s on video getting out of the passenger side second of the car that caused the wreck. With Ruggs and Jalen Carter, the league might want to send a message.

I really doubt it. This is the NFL we’re talking about and nobody got hurt. At most he’ll get a token couple of games and probably not until at least next season depending on how the legal process works out. If there were serious injuries then I agree he’d probably get vaporized but as it stands it seems unlikely.