The NFL Thread 2: 1. T Swift

The reason I’m being so huffy about this is that I like this place. It’s my barbershop. But the ref meltdowns every time the Chiefs win in the postseason definitely takes all the enjoyment out of it.

This is clearly a me problem and I should probably stop spamming the thread with it. So I’ll just put all the meltdowners on ignore until the Chefs are out of the playoffs.

Just own the hate.

It comes with the territory of making the conference title game 5 straight times, and winning the SB twice in that span.

Every other successful franchise deals with this too (late 90s Yankees, last ~10 years of Alabama football, Brady/Belichick era Patriots, various European soccer powerhouses over the years).


Yeah, Suzzer, just follow the Patriot Way, they hate us cuz they ain’t us and so forth.

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Same thing happened to rams player last week

Rams didn’t get the call

KC does. Everytime

That’s the issue.

Also. There were 0 of those calls all game

But on a game clinching play


Chiefs chip shot FG

Super Bowl

Like when the saints receiver got destroyed at the end of the game. KC Would get that call.

The refs are human and that is why the elite teams always tend to get the benefit of the doubt on subjective calls in all sports. They subconsciously expect the better team/player to win, same as we all do, but they are in a better position for their biases to matter. You don’t have to twist yourself into a pretzel when it happens, same as Patriots fans or Michael Jordan didn’t have to when they benefited from these biases. But, somehow this triggers some sort of deep emotion in sports fans when their team’s (THEIR) accomplishments are (in their eyes) diminished and the need to refute or rationalize that stuff away can be overwhelming.

It’s the same instinct that leads certain soccer fans to justify shouting homophobic slurs or other sportsball fans to rationalize a racist chant or vociferously cheer for a domestic abuser or sexual predator.

Love is blind. The refball advantage is a privilege for the incumbents in all sports and is baked into the game. The game is refball; refball is the game.

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Chefs. Get the majority of the judgement calls

Lions-get the short end of all the bizarre misapplication of the rules or actual errors by the refs or wow that’s a stupid rule isn’t it?

Chiefs aren’t making the Super Bowl this year come on now.

Nevermind the uncalled hold and the late hit against the Bengals that set up the game winning FG.

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Well after that pep talk Patrick will surely try a bit harder.

Give them the PEN 15

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Please find me the “Patrick Mahomes is washed” take

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No one said any of those things


I like you, but you are never going to get any sympathy when you are looking for sympathy when it comes to the Chiefs, and you won’t for a while, that is just the price you pay.


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Jim Hammer coming in to show the way to go

I mean the obvious riggage for the Chiefs is bad enough but I’m more disturbed by Patrick refusing to distance himself from his scumbag brother. And complaining when the rules are enforced.

Time is a flat circle.

Suzzer, just wait until the NFL ignores a law of physics every 6th grader knows in order to suspend Mahomes 4 games and dock the Chiefs a first. You’re gonna do a lot of posting during that period. Hydrate.


Oof, Schefter.