The NFL Thread 2: 1. T Swift

Bad bad bad example. The Pats also have the tuck rule and spy gate.

Pats are in line ahead of the Chefs for least sympathy.

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Probably the truth. Just a cursory interview before hiring khaki pants.

Sure the shield does not appreciate.

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You mean the properly called Tuck Rule?

The Patriots had the exact same call go against them earlier in the season against the Jets. Itā€™s a dumb rule, but the refs got it right both for and against the Patriots. Bizarre people still get upset about it - NFL kept it as a rule for a full decade after the game.

And Spy Gate is really Taping From the Wrong Location Gate. Teams were allowed to tape signals, just gotta do it from the right spot. Patriots had a cameraman stand in the wrong spot - the horror! Spying was 100% legal, even with tapes.

Absolutely broke a rule, 1st round pick for taping from the wrong location seems more than fair.

If you guys want to get upset about the rules changing in the playoffs, hereā€™s your huckleberry: Tuck Rule was consistent for 15 years. Catches in the Patriots-Eagles Super Bowl?


Thatā€™s NFL head of officiating Al Riveron discussing how two touchdown catches for the Eagles in the Super Bowl would have been incompletions during the regular season. No new rules were passed or adjusted, they just decided to change how those calls were made.

(Philly special was illegal formation, too - see calls go against every franchise!)

Edited to add - Philly deserved to win because of Matt Patricia and Belichick benching Malcolm Butler. Iā€™m sure someone can find some calls in that game that went the Patriots way.

This my list

Now add reportgate.

Canā€™t imagine the number of suspect roughing the passer calls on Brady and Mahomes over the years.

Shoul Chefs/Pats fans be banned from ref complaints?

  • Yes
  • Hell yes
  • STFU yes
0 voters

navy pants.

everything changed when he switched from khakis.

this one

is most definitely not Lions getting robbed. Itā€™s black and white coaching incompetence. The rule is super clear. Perhaps dumb, but very clear. Schwartz was a moron. You donā€™t get paid millions of dollars and get to make mistakes like that. Itā€™s on him.

It was a fucking stupid rule and they changed it the next season.

You overestimate football coaches general intelligence.

It may have been a stupid rule as I already stipulated. But it was the rule. It wasnā€™t a surprise. It also wasnā€™t some sort of complicated rules interpretation. Just donā€™t throw the fucking flag on a scoring play.

Doubtful. Theyā€™re dumb AF. This is known. But when they do something stupid, then you blame them for that stupid thing. You donā€™t blame the rules for not accounting for coach stupidity.

You are missing the point. We are the trendsetters for dumb rules being changed the next year

This. That Calvin Johnson no catch

And even refs incorrectly calling it a TD for Tate. If they mark him down we prob sneak for the win next play

Stop nitpicking one thing when there are 26 things.

Once again, Iā€™m not complaining about the refs, Iā€™m complaining about this thread complaining about the refs.

I agree that Detroit has gotten historically fucked.

Canā€™t speak for Mahomes, but the actual data tell us that Brady gets less roughing the passer calls than most QBs.

People are very, very good at telling themselves stories to back up what they want to be true. People desperately want the Patriots and Chiefs to be helped by refs, that thereā€™s some grand conspiracy.

There isnā€™t.


I was responding to the article that was posted. The title was ā€œ7 totally unique ways NFL officials have robbed Detroit Lions this decadeā€. If you want to write a different article about rules being changed after Lions having unfortunate shit happen, that would be great and Iā€™d have no objection to including this in that article.

As far as the ā€œchallenge flag debacleā€ is concerned, there was no robbery. Just one Detroit coach being an idiot.

  1. Megatron catch is a bit different as there is some sort of subjective element to it.

  2. I donā€™t disagree that the Lions have been fucked a lot of times. No argument there. All Iā€™m saying is that ā€œChallenge flag debacleā€ should not be on the list of Lions getting fucked/robbed. There is no need to reach here. There are numerous examples of the Lions getting legit fucked. It shouldnā€™t be hard to stick with those.

Patriots fan swooping in to white knight Chefs refball is sublime.


lol tuck rule. Come on

Just let them play in the snow, damnit

They can play in the snow, itā€™s the fans who donā€™t want to sit in the snow

Not just sitting, but giving fans easy access to snow/ice balls isnā€™t a great idea (see every old Eagles game that was played in the snow)