The NFL Thread 2: 1. T Swift

I think when you read that article it’s obvious that it was offered as a contrarian opinion to most draft nerds. That’s why the language implies everyone is thinking about Gary but the author is talking about Winovich

gholston/williams weren’t in watt/millers freak class they were definitely a tier below that.

the only freak who busted in tier 1 I can think offhand was vic beasley who had 15.5 sacks his 2nd season

leonard williams to the Seahawks for a 2nd and a 5th. They traded a 3rd and a 4th for him. GETTLEMAN WINS

Players are allowed to be on their phones at halftime during games?! In Australian Football a player got into huge trouble for checking his phone after he tore his ACL during a game and wanted to inform his family. Is there no integrity (betting) policy precluding this?

It’s prohibited, but there have been several stories about players using phones at halftime, so I’m not sure how aggressively the league monitors/regulates it. My guess is that they don’t actively monitor it, but if the use is obvious (like a public post during a game, or a player talks about it in an interview or something) then the league will step in with a fine.

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Dude Mario Williams had the greatest combine ever at the time, and is still one of the top performers of all time 17 years later. 40” vertical jump at 295 pounds, 35 reps on the bench press. Gholston was a workout warrior who went in the top 10 largely based off his combine.

If you think they aren’t two of the best ever you must be hung up on 40 times or not understanding how much the average prospect has gotten at preparing for the combine and how much bigger outliers they were in their day.

you could’ve asked me why instead of insisting I’m the one who doesn’t understand

Lmao GQ. Was just watching some 29ers fan rant about his days there. Safeties are as invisible as Predator to him.

I could but I also can go look at the combine numbers again. It’s only like 8-10 data points per player. I could then surmise what your reasoning would be based off that.

that’s gholston’s, shuttle/3cone merely slightly above average for the position, so a tier below the absolute freaks who are at the top for everything. That’s what I’m referring to.

Also if you thought the bears learned their lesson of trading a high 2nd round pick for a player boy are you wrong.

At least Sweat is better than what Claypool was but either he gets paid a lot or he’s not resigning cause it’s a rental and he’s really never been a great player so dear god do I hate this GM on this team.

Rofl Bears what the hell, what an idiot.

wtf - Sweat is a solid player, but he’s in the last year of his contract, and he’s not elite enough that you want to pay his top dollar for a DE. So Bears are trading 2nd for the hopes that he signs for a reasonable contract (but why would he want to do that with a crap team without testing market first) - or I guess they franchise him and traded for a disgruntled player.

This seems amazing trade for Washington. Sports radio this morning was all talking about hoping to trade either Young for a 4th or Sweat for a 3rd, and instead they get a high 2nd.

edit: just checked and ESPN gives Bears a D- and Commanders an A for trade, should really be F. ESPN thinks Sweat not even worth the franchise amount.



chase young for a 3rd round pick

from SF

I hate everything

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Sweat might be slightly better than Young. Seems great deal for SF.

It is a great deal

Wow what a steal. And to the fuckin 49ers of all teams.

rasul douglas to the bills

didn’t see that coming

Oh hell yeah. What a great boost headed into the bye week. Hopefully they fix things this week and we see the first 5 games team back

not sure why the commanders wouldn’t trade brissett he has a little value as some teams are destroyed @ QB atm and he’s the backup and you’re fire saleing

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