The NFL Thread 2: 1. T Swift

halas hall wasn’t raided

DC did resign so the FBI found some shit

There’s rumors swirling I won’t mention them and you can all speculate on your own but rumors are bad and worse.

Bears fans after sunday “well these 2 weeks couldn’t have gone any worse” about that…

Peanut Tillman is an FBI Agent!

Too bad, I used to think he was cool.


That doesn’t sound good at all. My first instinct is to think cp related.

I didn’t say it but those are the swirling rumors

he was on the colts forever, who are his pals cause the old saying birds of a feather flock together… we might get a big scandal across a bunch of teams here if it’s not covered up. whatever it is of course. It might just be simple FBI felony things who knows.

Shitposting on Chief’s Planet should cost one their career.


it’s a wednesday in the NFL and just on one team
Franchise QB calls out coaching in public
Starting LT is out for minimum 4 games, and was not ruled out of being out for rest of season.
DC resigned amid allegations that suggest he may not coach in the league again.
the bum QB nobody can figure out why he’s still on a team got cut again

it’s the GM’s birthday


how did this play end?

a) easy touchdown to wide open receiver
b) first and goal to easy throw to deep in receiver

c) a sack from a very clean pocket

Yes, it’s C
(if you nitpick the one guy is breaking loose, we’re already at like 4 seconds post snap or something, it was clean as you can get)

also there’s 2 more open guys on this play, a quick short throw to the left and the dumpoff is wide open too

Reports are Peanut wasn’t involved.

Lots of BS out there but bears beat is basically saying it’s not health/family reasons.


for the record alan’s attorney denied there was a fbi raid on his home

wild fire of total bullshit to begin today but I’ve seen too many legit reporters throw out some sort of smoke.

and the bears have been radio silent on a week 3 resignation like what

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ah the old bad news dump day when everyones distracted so nobody noticed he was on the team

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meanwhile remember the center I hated so much

apparently he had a great game for the ravens and the HC shouted him out

Can’t believe I drafted a Bears QB as my QB1.

Thankfully I did pick up Cousins as a backup plan.


they fired lovie smith after a 10-6 season in 2012

the Bears have just one winning season since

This trade fair? I get Tua and Mclaurin and I give up Daniel Jones and Higgins.

Tua was sniped two picks before me and all was left was Jones.

I wouldn’t do it. You’re giving up the best player in the deal with Higgins and with the rushing upside you can make a pretty good argument that Danny Dimes is better than Tua.

Also Tua isn’t likely to survive the season.

I first saw this in a “no longer drawing breath” sense, and I thought harsh, but fair.

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He declined, just think with Burrow’s injury that Tee could have a down year. I’m super high on Miami (big fan) and that their offense will crush defenses even on their super tough schedule.