The Neverending Picture Game

Yeah, that was an extra bad post because I think the relevant discussion took place in the “secret forum/Slack channel” that existed in the brief period between getting politics shut down and exiled starting up. Oh well.

I’m somehow resisting the huge temptation to open up that slack channel and pour through hundreds of posts to find the clue to your photo so that I can bash my head against a wall trying to find a pic that thwarts google image search.

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I think a passable idea for this would be to work out what you want to post and then take a screenshot from a decent quality youtube of it.

I’ve given some clues here. You saw my hint? I guess I’ll give another clue. The child getting crushed has been referred to (not by me) on this site.


Sepia tones

Wait, is that Johnny’s house?

My daughter went to Paris, not me. She’s 19 years old. That’s someone else’s child and it wasn’t me who has mentioned them on this site.


Winner. Johnny Truant’s guest room. I’m assaulting his youngest child while his oldest child takes pictures.

I already explained that I’m very powerful.

Yeah that one required a whole lot of inside knowledge that I didn’t have to get right.

Also that picture is kinda creepy.

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Geez, now I gotta come up with another one.

Well, I forgot I the trip report was on the slack channel.

Creepy? I can assure you no children were damaged during filming. I picked the photo where all identifying parts were smashed out of view.

I know. Doesn’t change how the picture looks though.

A piece of wood

Gonna have to be a bit more specific here.

A piece of wood with a darker mark as though as it has some mild water damage?

Calling Ron Swanson. I assume it’s some kind of hard wood. I really only know from like house framing wood and since it has square corners and is a true 2x4 or something it’d be really old if it were framing lumber like pine, but you do cabinets and stuff and it’s probably hardwood partially stained. Looking at pictures of wood my first guess is birch, but it’s not a great match.

The color difference is where I wiped it with a damp cloth to highlight the grain. Looking for species and sub-type.