The Neverending Picture Game



Ok I think I see my error

I see them all the time when Iā€™m out for a walk here in the Miami valley in the fall. Weird-looking, but very fun to kick with your boot as youā€™re walking along. Theyā€™re like natureā€™s soccer balls.

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I googled the number on the sign which got me to the city in India. I knew youā€™ve been to India. It took me about a minute. Google-fu!

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Iā€™m about to go into a movie (Claude Raines invisible man!) Itā€™ll be a bit before I find a picture.

I tried googling some of those numbers and didnā€™t get anywhere near India.

To get anywhere near India you probably need a plane bro

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(Break in the movie - after organ performance, sing-a-long, and Laurel and Hardy short before the feature)

This is terrible, but Iā€™m going to do it anyway because I think itā€™s funny. I want the place here.

Hint: Youā€™ll have to have followed my posts generally to be able to get this. Well, that goes for most of you anyway.

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Your house

Well, if you follow my posts closely you may have correctly deduced that I am sometimes in my house, but alas, that is not correct.

Looks like heā€™s deliberating on what to do with the child heā€™s holding down.

Nah, itā€™s an action shot and Iā€™m delivering an elbow drop.

Jfc man I thought I was thin. Eat more.

Theory: micro saw next door neighborā€™s kid playing with toys and went on the attack

The answer is master bedroom of his next door neighbor. Iā€™ll post a picture shortly.

I may need to do some forearm workouts or something, but Iā€™m not too thin. 6ā€™ 2 1/2" and a little over 190lbs. I am very powerful though.

You guys havenā€™t followed my adventures closely enough. Weā€™ll see if the morning crew gets it.

I mean it looks like youā€™re about to smother a child because you asked her who the bestest anarchist was and she didnā€™t answer Kropotkin and itā€™s really not cool.

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Bakunin is cool and all, but your favorite??? GMAFB!

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