We had something similar on POG back in the day but iirc it only dealt with movies. This will be a little different, though no less simple: I will post a pic of a person, place or thing. You answer what/who/where that thing/person/place is, and then you post another pic of a person, place or thing. The next person does the same, and so on. It’s free to play, and totally worth it!
ETA it should be a famous/notable person, place or thing. No pictures of your niece etc.
Isn’t this only interesting if you can’t immediately reverse image search it? Seems like the best ones can’t be searched but have enough clues in them that you can figure it out with a little detective work? I dunno I’m no POGer just sayin’.
Yeah that doesn’t work. I did a 10% pixel neighbor swap, cropped it, resized it, and added a tiny amount of Gaussian noise then hosted on a private imgur link. Google matched it to the source in like 0.87 seconds. WAAF
*Something else I learned while doing that is you can be personally identified from the noise profile of your camera.